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Pregnant women are not eligible for the Pfizer COVID vaccine, despite the recommendations of health authorities.

Pregnant women are not eligible for the Pfizer COVID vaccine, despite the recommendations of health authorities.


Pregnant women are at increased risk of serious illness from COVID-19 and are struggling to access the COVID-19 vaccine despite recent changes in health advice recommending the provision of the Pfizer vaccine. ..

In June, guidelines were updated from the Government’s Advisory Board on Vaccines (ATAGI) and the Royal Australian and New Zealand Obstetricians and Gynecologists University (RANZCOG). Pfizer vaccine is recommended at any stage of pregnancy..

“This is because the risk of serious outcomes from COVID-19 is significantly higher in pregnant women and their foets,” they said. In a joint statement..

However, in most parts of Australia (with the exception of Tasmania or the Northern Territory), pregnant women under the age of 40 are not currently eligible for the Pfizer vaccine. Not considered a priority group by the federal government..

Some women have access to the vaccine by meeting other eligibility criteria, such as whether they have an underlying illness.

However, other people like Talia Hagati are having a hard time getting vaccinated.

When official health advice changed recently, Ms. Hagati immediately went looking for a way to get Pfizer Jab.

She first contacted her GP clinic, but they offered only the AstraZeneca vaccine, prioritizing patients receiving a second dose.

Pregnant woman handing a baby bump.
Talia Hagerty was unable to obtain the Pfizer vaccine, even though health officials advised pregnant women to do so.(((



So she called the national vaccination hotlines and visited several COVID-19 vaccination websites to make reservations, but failed.

“We are not a priority group and I am not old enough, so the eligibility requirements do not include pregnant women,” said a 34-year-old New South Wales resident.

Waiting for your eligibility to change

Throughout Western Australia, 34-year-old Megan Stone faces a similar dilemma.

When she was vaccinated with Pfizer, she missed the window to get vaccinated. Provided to Western Australia, 30-49 years old, In front of The Western Australian Government has decided to prioritize people in their 50s Just 9 days later.

At the time, Stone registered her interests, but postponed her appointment because she had not yet been given a clear recommendation for a pregnant woman to be vaccinated.

She didn’t receive an update when her advice to a pregnant woman changed, even though she checked the box to be notified when she qualified — it was during that nine-day window. It happened to.

“I didn’t see it by chance [the news] Like a hawk, and of course disappointed. “

Her GP does not administer the vaccine in accordance with federal eligibility requirements.

“I’m disappointed [but] I’m still hoping that the federal government may be very late for everything and may put pregnant women in Group B or C, perhaps because of a change in advice. “

The doctor will give the pregnant woman an ultrasound.
Pregnant women may be at increased risk of complications from respiratory illness due to the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy.(((



Pregnant women are not considered a priority group, but are encouraged to discuss COVID-19 vaccination with medical professionals, according to a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health.

“Many pregnant women may be eligible for COVID-19 vaccination for other reasons, such as occupation,” they said.

A spokeswoman did not directly answer whether the government intends to change the eligibility criteria for the COVID-19 vaccine, but pregnant women can be vaccinated at GP clinics and state-owned vaccine clinics with sufficient Pfizer available. Said.

In the case of overdose, “clinics use strategies to minimize vaccine waste, such as maintaining a waiting list of eligible patients or vaccination of qualified patients or staff in the clinic. Is required. “

The latest evidence shows that the vaccine is safe during pregnancy

Previous advice suggests that women who are pregnant and at high risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, or who are predisposed to the disease, should consider vaccination.

However, COVID-19 vaccination was not routinely recommended for all pregnant women when the level of community infection was low.

This is because, at the time of the initial guidance, pregnant women were not included in the initial clinical trials, so there was limited evidence to confirm the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy.

However, actual evidence from other countries has shown that mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer Jab can be safely administered during pregnancy, and that advice has changed over time.

A US study of more than 35,000 pregnant women Those who received the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine did not identify any safety concerns and found that complications such as preterm birth and stillbirth occurred at the same rate as seen in the general population.

At the same time, studies show that pregnant women are at increased risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 (including being hospitalized and admitted to the ICU), and babies are also at increased risk of preterm birth.

Ultrasound image of the baby on the monitor.
Vaccination may indirectly protect the foetation by transferring antibodies through the placenta.(((



It is not yet clear if there is an optimal time to get the COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy, but pregnant women are advised to discuss the timing of vaccination with their family doctor or medical professional. ..

Pfizer remains the preferred vaccine, as data on the safety of viral vector vaccines during pregnancy (such as AstraZeneca jab) are still limited.

What if I’m breastfeeding or planning a pregnancy?

For breastfeeding women Pfizer vaccine is also recommended, And officials say it may provide indirect protection for the baby.

“Umbilical cord blood and breast milk also have evidence of antibodies that may protect babies through passive immunity,” said RANZCOG and ATAGI.

Health officials say there is no need to delay vaccination or avoid pregnancy after vaccination for women who are about to become pregnant.

Vaccination does not affect childbirth. Being vaccinated before you become pregnant means that you are more likely to be vaccinated against COVID-19 throughout your pregnancy.

“There is no evidence that women who become pregnant after vaccination are at increased risk. [foetal abnormalities], Miscarriage or maternal illness. “

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