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Text messages boost the number of people vaccinated with COVID-19

Text messages boost the number of people vaccinated with COVID-19


Los Angeles (CNS)-According to a UCLA-led study, text message reminders are an effective way to increase the number of people receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

Researchers at UCLA’s School of Medicine, David Geffen, UCLA Anderson School of Business, and Carnegie Mellon University found that simple texts that emphasize the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine are effective in stopping attacks. .. Findings suggest that unobtrusive behavioral tweaks, such as textbooks, can help increase vaccination across all demographics, even among hesitant groups.

“Emphasis on the availability of the vaccine, the availability of the vaccine, and a text message containing ownership language, such as claiming today’s dose, showed a significant increase in vaccine intake.” Said Dr. Daniel Croymans. UCLA Health’s primary care physician, quality medical director, and lead author of research.

The researchers analyzed data from two randomized controlled trials of patients with UCLA Health. Most were over 65 years old and were vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine in January and February. In the initial trial, approximately 93,000 participants who were initially notified of vaccine eligibility received either one of the four text messages or did not receive a text reminder.

Those who received the text reminder were also sent a direct link to a page where they could schedule vaccination appointments.

The booking rate within 6 days of sending the text was almost double that of those who received it and those who did not, with a difference of 13.2% and 7.2%. Immunization rates also remained high at 17.56%, compared to 13.89%, one month after the textual reminders.

Various types of text messages and videos were also sent, but researchers simply added the language of ownership to the text messages and compared to text messages without such languages, booking rates and vaccinations. We have found that the rate will improve further. Adding an informational video to the text had no detectable effect on patient behavior. In fact, few patients clicked on the video link.

In the second attempt, more than 67,000 people who did not schedule a reservation after receiving the first reminder were divided into two groups. Eight days after that first text reminder, the second reminder text was sent to one group and not to the other group.

Researchers found that those who received a second reminder were 1.65% more likely to schedule their first dose appointment within 6 days of receiving the text than the other groups. Also, many people in the group were initially reluctant to vaccinate, but they were 1.06% more likely to follow through and receive injections.

Sylvia Saccardo, an assistant professor and co-author of the School of Social Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University, said: “Scheduling the first dose was the biggest barrier. Once scheduled, people went to the appointment and returned to the second dose.”

She said text reminders are an effective and inexpensive tool to motivate all demographic people to get vaccines.

The results of this study on the effectiveness of text reminders may help healthcare professionals in other ways, Croimans said.

“We can use them to encourage patients to be screened for colorectal cancer or to connect with health educators to improve the outcome of chronic conditions such as diabetes.” He said. “This is a tool that can help doctors avoid serious illnesses and complications that patients could have prevented.”

The results of this study were published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature.




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