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Pregnant women at risk of severe COVID symptoms if unvaccinated

Pregnant women at risk of severe COVID symptoms if unvaccinated


“Vaccination can prevent you from becoming someone who is anxious for the air and wondering if you have the opportunity to see your baby,” said Dr. Marta Perez.

NS. LOUIS — The number of COVID patients in the St. Louis region is increasing at a rate not seen since last fall.

Infection rates in the region have nearly tripled since just two months ago, as highly contagious delta variants continue to spread throughout the community.

Health professionals do everything they can to protect their families, including some of our most vulnerable people.

Related: Obstetrician group recommends COVID vaccine during pregnancy

Pregnant mothers are at risk of severe COVID infection.

Dr. Laura Vricella, a maternal-fetal medicine doctor at Mercy St. Louis, said last week there was a significant increase.

“What we saw last week was a significant increase in the number of pregnant women who needed to be hospitalized,” she said. “Some of them became seriously ill. It’s hard to see a woman who is pregnant and trying to breathe.”

Each of the COVID patients she saw was unvaccinated.

“These women are very ill and we hope they can all get through,” said Dr. Vricella.

OBGYNDr from Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Marta Perez states that the number of pregnant mothers in the ICU is equal to or greater than the winter surge.

When a pregnant mother becomes infected with the virus, her baby can also face some risks.

“The belly during pregnancy alters the ability of the chest and lungs to ventilate properly, and oxygenates it to support another life,” said Dr. Perez.

Dr. Vricella and Dr. Perez had to give birth to a newborn before the scheduled date.

Dr. Perez said there are two reasons for the premature birth of a pregnant mother with COVID.

“The mother couldn’t have a baby because she couldn’t breathe or oxygenate more and more. The baby depends on her mother’s oxygen to save her life and give birth to her baby to breathe air. You need to, “she said. ..

Another reason could be the damage done.

“The lungs are so damaged by the infection that they may not be able to supply enough oxygen to give the baby enough,” Dr. Perez said. “So, even if the mother is wobbling at the edges, the baby will have to start suffering and give birth because the pregnancy environment is not enough to stay healthy.”

She said a mother immediately expressed regret that she had not been vaccinated before going to life support, which required premature birth.

Her partner also had COVID-19.

“Both have COVIDs and the NICU couldn’t get him there to protect the baby, so no one could be with the baby after giving birth,” Dr. Perez said.

Both doctors emphasized that this is preventable.

Dr. Perez says on 5 On Your Side that some patients are receiving false information from non-specialist patients.

Many say they are worried about vaccine safety and infertility.

“In reality, there are many of these risks, and virtual concerns are really just virtual,” said Dr. Vricella.

As a new mom, she understands her concerns. Dr. Perez understands the concerns, but knows how effective the shots are.

“We are only looking at the benefits to the baby. We are only looking at the benefits to the mother. Those who wonder if vaccination will give you the opportunity to covet the air and meet your baby. You can prevent it from becoming. ”In the case of OBGYN, I am a mom. I am confident that this vaccine is safe and recommended for pregnancy, “says Dr. Perez.

Dr. Vricella added that the shots could be 2 to 1 reflecting safety.

The mother can pass the antibody to the baby during pregnancy or breastfeeding and immunize the newborn for several months.

“If the trends we see continue, this will be a very difficult fall for our pregnant women and their babies,” said Dr. Vricella.




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