Scenes from week 2 of the R. Kelly sex trafficking trial
new York The second week of R. Kelly’s sex trafficking trial in New York turned out to be an exercise by prosecutors to portray R&B star I Believe I Can Fly as a man-child control freak and compulsive sex offender who exploited vulnerable victims well under half his age by ordering them to call him daddy.
Defense lawyers for the now 54-year-old artist, born Robert Sylvester Kelly, responded by seeking to portray the accusers as lying opportunists trying to capitalize on Kellys’ fame.
Here are snapshots from the second week of the case:
Wild, wild
Two accusers of Kelly, both testifying without revealing their true identities, said that when they were 17 they asked for his help in launching their musical careers, or that of others. But Kelly, they said, had only feigned interest.
One of them told the jury that Kelly had invited her with a friend to her studio to hear the friend sing. But he quickly lost his patience because he wasn’t thrilled that my mother was with us, she said.
Another witness who said she had formal training as an interpreter went a step further with Kelly, it seemed. Her benefit was a professionally directed music video for a single she wrote, titled Liar Liar.
When asked for his opinion, Kelly said he liked her, that he was cute and that he was neither too tall nor too sexy, she said.
But prosecutors say Kelly was the liar. They allege his guardianship was just a ploy to take advantage of girls, leading them down a path of sexual degradation.
A prosecutor asked the woman what steps Kelly had taken to support her promises to help launch her career.
None, she replied.
The not-so-magical kingdom
Many of Kelly’s draconian tendencies in running an empire headquartered in custom mansions and music studios were detailed by a former employee named Tom Arnold. One example was an unsuccessful attempt to organize a trip to Disney World in 2011 for Kellys’ entourage which included, as always, guests.
Arnold was ordered to complete the trip on short notice, book hotel rooms, arrange transportation, and hire a VIP guide to the theme park. He passed the first two tasks. He had a glitch in the third.
Every time Kelly visited the Magic Kingdom, there was a decree that he needed a woman to be the guide, Arnold told the jury. However, this time the only person available was a male. The witness said that when his boss arrived he abruptly canceled the outing and sent everyone home.
Arnold said his wife noticed his next paycheck was paid a week after paying $ 1,500 as an apparent fine for the transgression. Leaving his job at Kelly was the only option, he said.
At this point I was not happy, my wife was not happy and Rob was not happy, he said.
Tug of war
Much of a key accuser’s testimony focused on a standoff between his parents and R. Kelly.
The woman testified that her parents initially encouraged her relationship with Kelly and even came up with ideas for their own business ventures with him. She conceded in cross-examination that an idea was to market an R. Kelly-themed sex toy. Even for him, it’s gone too far, she said.
Kelly told me later that it wasn’t something he could ever do, she said.
A complication for the woman was that, long before the trial, she had done an interview with Gayle King on CBS This Morning where she expressed her devotion to Kelly and disowned her parents. She called her father a manipulative liar for suggesting that the hangar had been brainwashed.
But on the witness stand, the woman claimed that her statements were orchestrated by Kelly to cover him up.
She said backstage, he pulled out an iPad once and he told me to make a video saying my dad assaulted me. “
prosecutor’s reply
In one of the most dramatic moments of the week, Assistant US Attorney Elizabeth Geddes attacked the defense tactic of questioning the witness about all kinds of things your parents did. objection to refocus jurors on the most disturbing allegations against Kelly.
Among them: Who exposed you to a sexually transmitted disease without your consent, your parents or the accused? Who had sexual contact with you, including sex with you, when you were 17, your parents or the accused? and Who made you film videos of you engaging in degrading conduct, including smearing and eating excrement, of your parents or the accused?
In a soft voice, she answered each time: The accused.
Sources 2/ https://www.detroitnews.com/story/entertainment/2021/08/28/scenes-week-2-r-kelly-sex-trafficking-trial/5638101001/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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