Corona vaccine aims to beat young men to address gender differences in jab intake
The minister has given a green light to a promotional campaign aimed at encouraging young men to get vaccinated, following evidence that they are less likely to book a Covid-19 jab than women.
rear Me Women under the age of 40 Up to 10% more likely to accept vaccines than men, No 10 confirmed that authorities are researching ways to close gender inequality.
Boris JohnsonA spokesman for, said:
“We continue to review the data and if we feel we have more to do, we will do it.”
The government has already targeted niche media such as the social content website Joe to directly target young men, and has set up pop-up vaccine centers at venues such as music festivals and sports stadiums.
According to officials, there are 340,000 younger women in the UK than men who have been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine at least once. NHS statistics.
Ministers believe that “accessibility” rather than vaccine hesitation is the main cause of lower intakes in younger groups. There is no significant gender difference in the age group over 40 years.
Scientists and government officials are concerned that infections could increase significantly in the coming weeks as schools and universities across the UK begin a new semester.
Cases have already increased significantly in ScotlandThe term began in mid-August, but seems to be declining in the UK, despite concerns that the removal of all legal restrictions may foster the runaway growth of coronavirus infections.
The UK Vaccine Watchdog should approve a third booster campaign for all people deemed vulnerable to Covid-19, and provide vaccines to children under the age of 16. We are still considering whether or not it will be possible.
Professor Paul Hunter of the University of East Anglia called on the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) to approve the oldest and most sick adult boosters as soon as possible, but all over the age of 50. No need to suggest that a third jab could prove.
He states: People with severe cancer receiving chemotherapy. People taking high doses of steroids for autoimmune disorders. People who have had a solid organ transplant; people who are actually morbidly obese. Also, add more than 80 to that category.
“The evidence is that these people didn’t respond very well to the vaccine. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no discussion about the group, but they should be boosted and they are immediately boosted. Should be. “
But he added: “Looking at the rest of the population, we can see that protection against infection is reduced.
“But protection against severe illness is not at this time, but it will be in the end, but hopefully for years, and the value of boosting those who do not get sick is controversial. I have.”
Health Minister Sajid Javid has publicly stated that he would like to see children between the ages of 12 and 15 who will be given the opportunity to be vaccinated in the coming weeks, and the NHS has vaccinated in-school to speed up the process. We are planning to install a hub.
However, JCVI is concerned that it may be disproportionate to give a jab to a teenager who has a low risk of serious illness if infected with Covid-19.
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