The woman was not a fan but says she always fell prey to him
NEW YORKR. Kelly sex trafficking trial continued until a ninth day in federal court with testimony Tuesday of a woman who was not a fan but testified that she had been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease after he urged her to join him on the road.
The witness, who testified as “Faith,” said she was 19 when her older half-sister invited her to a Kelly concert in San Antonio in 2017. Her brother was a fan of her music , she said, but “I wasn’t.”
The sisters were invited to a backstage after-party, starting what she described as a brief relationship. Her testimony suggested that the relationship included elements that matched those described by previous witnesses who said they were sexually assaulted by Kelly when they were in high school.
Kelly paid for Faith’s flights and hotel rooms to attend her concerts in the cities where he asked her for sex.
A prosecutor asked him if he told him he had herpes or that he was wearing condoms. “No, he didn’t,” she replied.
Earlier in the trial, the jury heard Kelly’s personal physician describe his herpes treatment for several years and other witnesses who claimed he gave them herpes during unprotected sex.
“Faith” is one of six plaintiff witnesses whose allegations underpin sex trafficking, racketeering, and other charges Kelly faces in the Brooklyn federal court trial. So far, the jury has heard testimony from or about five of these women.
In addition, the jury heard from a woman and a man, testifying as “Addie” and “Louis”, who accuse Kelly of sexual abuse when they were teenagers. Kelly is not facing any charges in connection with their allegations, which fall outside the statute of limitations, but prosecutors are using them, and other witnesses with similar histories, to help demonstrate a pattern of behavior. Kelly’s alleged criminal.
Kelly, 54, has repeatedly denied accusations that he attacked women during a 30-year career, evidenced by his 1996 hit “I Believe I Can Fly”. His lawyers have portrayed his accusers as groupies who lie about their relationship with him.
Kelly faces several sex trafficking and racketeering charges dating back decades and involving the six plaintiff witnesses, including late singer Aaliyah, called Jane Doe # 1 by prosecutors.
The trial of R. Kelly shocks us. Here’s what shouldn’t.
R. Kelly trial:Man says star asked for sex for professional help; a woman testifies that he raped her
What has happened in R. Kelly’s trial so far?
The government accuses Kelly of running a “criminal enterprise” of managers, bodyguards and other employees who allegedly helped Kelly recruit underage women and girls for sex and pornography, and cross the borders of the world. State for this purpose.
Jerhonda Johnson Pace,Kelly’s first accuser to testifyat trial (who already hasshared his story publicly), said she had sex with the singer when she was 16, although she initially told him she was 19, which is above the age of consent .
Pace testified that she had to get the singer’s permission to use the bathroom and that Kelly would occasionally record their frequent sex sessions and later show her the recordings to indicate where she could improve. She said she “ended up contracting herpes” while she was with Kelly in 2009.
The second accuser,who called herself “Jane” at the stand, said last week that Kelly had forced her friends to practice answering questions about him, in a bid to better defend him during his volatile interview on CBS with Gayle King.
The witness said that when she first met Kelly, he pressured her to have sex before an audition. She said she finally moved in with him while she was still in high school and testified that Kelly berated or punished her for various reasons during their time together, including forcing her to have sex with another man while Kelly recorded it on an iPad. She cried when she testified that she contracted herpes after sex with Kelly. She said Kelly had not disclosed that he had a sexually transmitted disease.
Thethird witness for the prosecution, who was called “Stephanie” at the booth, said in 1999 that she asked Kelly to help a friend with her singing aspirations. She testified that Kelly subjected her to abusive sex for months at the age of 17, during which he frequently videotaped their sex.
Her sexual demands and frequent videos of her in humiliating positions have left her “disgusted” and feeling “less than”, she told the jury, also describing a traumatic trip she made to her. asks Orlando.
Kelly’s former assistant and tour manager Demetrius Smith testified under subpoena and immunity from prosecution that hehelped facilitate Kelly’s illegal 1994 marriage to singer Aaliyah, who was 15 at the time.
Other witnesses have testified about crimes not charged, including a male(“Louis”) who said Kelly gave him oral sex in 2007 when he was a 17 year old high school student, and a woman (“Addie”) who said Kelly raped her at age aged 17 following a performance in Miami in 1994.
Kelly’s primary care physician,Kris McGrath, also testified under subpoena that he was Kelly’s doctor for 25 years until 2019. McGrath said he diagnosed Kelly with genital herpes, informed him and told him to tell Kelly. his sexual partners. He said he had been prescribing Valtrex for Kelly since at least 2007, but couldn’t say specifically when he concluded Kelly actually had herpes.
Kelly is also charged in the two-year-old indictment of knowingly infecting some victims with sexually transmitted diseases, corruption, kidnapping, forced labor and the production of child pornography.
He pleaded not guilty to all counts.
Contribution: The Associated Press
If you are a sexual assault survivor, you can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673) or visit hotline.rainn.org/online and receive confidential assistance.
Sources 2/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2021/08/31/r-kelly-trial-non-fan-says-she-still-fell-prey/5659762001/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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