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No Time To Die actor Lashana Lynch: “James Bond could be a man or a woman, of any race or age”


Actress Lashana Lynch, who will next be seen in the upcoming James Bond film No Time To Die, has denied speculation that she could take over the franchise as a leader in future installments.

“Nooo! You do not want me ! she told The Guardian in an interview.

The 33-year-old actor said the next Bond can be anyone: male or female, young or old, of any race.

“We’re in a time when the industry doesn’t just give the public what they think the public wants. In fact, they give the public what they want to give the public.

“With Bond, it could be a man or a woman. They could be white, black, Asian, mixed race. They could be young or old. At the end of the day, even if a two year old was playing Bond, everyone Would come to the movies to see what this two year old boy is going to do, right? said the Captain Marvel star.

Lynch plays Nomi, an MI6 agent who would inherit Bond’s iconic 007 number in the film, which also stars Daniel Craig in his latest performance as the franchise leader.

His comments come at a time when actors such as Tom Hardy, Idris Elba and Tom Hiddleston are frequently mentioned candidates for the role of the next Bond.

Speaking about her character as Nomi, the actress said the creators were just looking for someone who could compete with Bond.

“… Who would be able to stand up and be vocal and outspoken and strong and able to wield a weapon, able to handle herself and not someone who takes the slightest qualms from anyone.”

“Then as that unfolded, she became this pretty complicated, free and open-minded vocal human being who brings a really nice touch to MI6,” Lynch added.

Earlier this week, it was revealed that No Time to Die will be the longest running film in franchise history, causing some backlash from fans.

Directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga, the film also stars Lea Seydoux, Rami Malek, Ana de Armas, Ben Whishaw, Naomi Harris, Jeffery Wright, Christoph Waltz and Ralph Fiennes.

No Time To Die is set to hit UK theaters on September 30.




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