UK recommends COVID-19 booster shots over 50s
The UK has given everyone over the age of 50 and other vulnerable people a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine after an expert panel has stated that boosters are needed to protect against weakened immunity this winter. Provide inoculation
London-UK Vaccine COVID-19 Vaccine for Everyone Over 50 and Other Vulnerable People Over 50 Years After A Panel of Experts Said On Tuesday That Boosters Needed To Protect From Weakened Immunity This Winter Announced that it will provide a third inoculation of.
Health Minister Sajid Javid told lawmakers that the government has accepted the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization and will begin offering booster shots next week. The World Health Organization has urged wealthy countries to delay booster shots until all countries have vaccinated at least 40% of their population.
“JCVI advises to provide booster doses to more vulnerable people to maximize personal protection before the unpredictable winter,” said Panel Chair Professor Wei Shen Lim. I mentioned it in the media briefing. “Most of these people are also eligible for the annual flu vaccine. We highly recommend taking this offer as well.”
JCVI said booster shots are needed to ensure protection of vulnerable people from COVID-19. vaccination It weakens over time.Panel with everyone over 50 years old health Certified care workers, people with underlying health, and people living with immunosuppressed people will receive a booster at least 6 months after receiving the second vaccination.
This move occurs despite WHO’s complaint to delay booster administration amid a global shortage of vaccines. Authorities said COVID-19 will continue to threaten people everywhere until all countries vaccinate enough people to stop new potentially dangerous variants.
WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Gebreyes repeated the call last week after previous complaints were widely ignored.
“I’m not silent when the companies and countries that control the global supply of vaccines think the poor people in the world should be satisfied with the leftovers,” he said on September 8. .. Low-income countries that are willing to pay the highest amount have been deprived of tools to protect their people. “
England’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer Jonathan Vantam said at least nine countries have already announced booster programs and 18 other countries are considering doing so.
Israel has already provided booster immunization to a wide range of people who have received a complete double-dose regimen. US health authorities continue to evaluate the science and usefulness of boosters.
WHO officials claim that the scientific legitimacy of the booster remains unclear.
Mr Vantam said the panel noted that it would appeal to share vaccines, but the panel’s main responsibility was in the United Kingdom.
“Of course, as public health people, it is important that the whole world has access to vaccines, and it is very important that not all of us are completely safe until everyone has access to vaccines. At the briefing, Van Tam said, “Similarly, the job given to us is to define what is best for Britain, and that’s what JCVI did. “.
Professor Sarah Gilbert of Oxford University told The Telegraph last week that immunity from the vaccine is well tolerated, even against delta mutants. Elderly people and people with weakened immunity may need a booster, but she said the standard double-dose regimen provides lasting protection for most people.
The panel stated that the Pfizer vaccine is the primary choice for booster shots and instead requires half the dose of Modana. This is because these messenger RNA vaccines are more effective as booster shots, JCVI said. Shots of AstraZeneca based on different techniques are provided to people who cannot be vaccinated with RNA for clinical reasons.
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