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The period of confusion and Covid-19 Jab: Is there a relationship?

The period of confusion and Covid-19 Jab: Is there a relationship?


Some “physiological quirks” are “ongoing,” and more and more people believe that the Covid-19 vaccine may have something to do with it.

Journalist Annaliese Griffin cutBefore citing anecdotal evidence that women experienced changes in their menstrual cycle after inoculation with the coronavirus.

“I’ve heard about ultra-heavy menstruation, non-existent menstruation, mysterious weight fluctuations, acne gains, and new chin hair,” Griffin wrote. And while the anecdotal evidence is “not exactly counted as science,” she added, “that’s all we have.”

But that can change.Newly published report in British Medical Journal Dr. Victoria Male, a lecturer in reproductive immunology at Imperial College London, said the link between menstrual changes and the Covid-19 vaccine was “plausible and should be investigated.”

As the man pointed out, more than 30,000 reports of post-vaccination mental illness UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

According to government agencies, “suspicious reactions associated with various menstrual disorders have been reported after all three. COVID-19 vaccineIs used in the United Kingdom-Pfizer, AstraZeneca, or Moderna. And changes “including heavier, delayed, and unexpected vaginal bleeding” were recorded after both the first and second doses of jab.

Other experts have joined Male and called for research on possible links. Dr. Raj Mathur, a reproductive medicine consultant and chair of the British Birth Association, said: Daily mail “Some women” appear to experience “temporary disorders of the menstrual cycle” after vaccination.

However, MHRA does not support the theory. “There are few reports of menstrual disorders and abnormal bleeding related to both the number of people who have been vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccine and the generality of menstrual disorders in general,” the agency said. He added that. Jab adversely affects childbirth.

“Millions of British women have been attacked,” wrote Lara Prendergast. audience, Yes, these reports are clearly a “negligible number”.

But “if you’re one of those women, that doesn’t seem to be negligible,” she continued, and “the actual number of cases in the UK is probably quite high.”

Talking about “what the jab did in our time” in public may seem “awkward”, but these conversations are “careful, WhatsApp chat, internet threads, quiet”. I’m moving forward in tone. ”

In May, when a total of about 20 million people were fully vaccinated in the UK BBC “Online women around the world have begun to ask if the early, heavy, or painful period could be an unlisted reaction to jabs,” he said.

“There is a problem here about how often women’s health is ignored,” Dr. Male told the broadcaster. She emphasized that there is a “mass of evidence” that changes in the menstrual cycle are temporary and do not affect childbirth.

However, in a newly published report, she argued that further research is needed on “biologically plausible mechanisms” that can cause disability. If so, she writes, “It’s likely the result of an immune response to vaccination, not a specific vaccine ingredient.”

In an interview with BBC News, the man explained that sex hormones and the immune system are closely linked. Therefore, if the immune system experiences a “major shock” caused by the vaccine or the infection itself, “when and how bleeding”.

The uterus is lined with many immune cells, which are affected by “general activation of the immune system” and can affect the menstrual cycle.

The theory that vaccines can disrupt the menstrual cycle is nothing new. Indeed, doctors have pointed out possible links for over a century.

Immediately before the occurrence of World War IFor example, a doctor in the United States report How the typhoid vaccine affects menstruation.

However, such changes continue to be overlooked in most clinical trials. “In fact, many trials have extensively excluded women. because “Potential menstrual cycle effects,” said author and feminist activist Caroline Cleared Perez. Telegraph, “So maybe we need to be grateful for the small mercy included,” included in those of the Covid Jab.

“Still, with enough women reporting the effects of the menstrual cycle, this issue can no longer be ignored,” she continued. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced last month that $ 1.67 million (£ 1.2 million) was allocated to study the link between menstrual changes and the Covid vaccine. However, while funding is “welcome”, it is “too late for many of us,” said Criado-Perez.

As Griffin said in The Cut, “medicine has a long history of telling women who report physical symptoms that it’s all in our heads.”

“No one wants to be considered hysterical. It’s emotional. It’s a bit neurotic,” Spectator magazine Prendergast added.

Women’s concerns about the potential effects of Covid jabs were also dismissed in “a well-meaning but ultimately wrong effort to reduce vaccine hesitation in young women,” Criado-Perez wrote. increase. But “unlike the medical gas lamp approach,” studies to find out what’s happening “may actually convince women who are hesitant to get a jab.” And “the cycle and the female immune system, which may also form the basis for future long-awaited research on the interaction between menstruation.”

Meanwhile, experts, including men, recommend that British women report changes in post-jab menstruation to MHRA.

“This provides more complete data to facilitate the study of links and signals to inform patients that they are taking vaccine safety concerns seriously and building trust,” he said. The man writes in the BMJ report.




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