Doctor: Vaxxed has a low risk of COVID “breakthrough”, but keeps the mask handy
There seems to be a lot of news (both negative and positive) related to the COVID-19 pandemic every day. The bad news these days is that the more contagious delta mutants are causing a surge in new cases and hospitalizations, especially among people who have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccine. Fortunately, it’s not enough to end the pandemic, but more people are vaccinated every day.
Those who are fully vaccinated (at least two weeks after the second dose of Physer or Moderna vaccine or the single dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine) have significantly avoided infection. , The risk of “breakthrough infection” is small. .. And when exposed to the coronavirus, not all vaccinated people have the same experience.
The reaction when exposed to the virus varies from person to person. Some people experience an infection, others do not. Some people experience symptoms that others do not, or experience milder or more severe symptoms than others. The important thing to remember is that vaccination is very effective in protecting you from serious illness, hospitalization, and death. In breakthrough cases, symptoms can be asymptomatic or very mild.
What do the numbers tell me?
Although the number of cases is increasing (mainly not only among unvaccinated people, but also among a very small number of fully vaccinated people), recent reports have shown that groundbreaking cases are being followed. In all states, vaccinated individuals have a case rate of less than 1%. ..
In addition, in states across the United States, approximately 90% to 99% of people hospitalized for COVID-19 are unvaccinated. Of the small proportion of vaccinated inpatients, many have other risk factors such as old age, chronic illness, and weakened immunity.
Is the vaccine still working?
With this slight increase in breakthrough infections, many wondered if the protection initially provided by the vaccine diminished over time. Vaccines are very effective in preventing serious illness and death, but they may not be as effective in preventing infection or infection as they were before the emergence of delta variants.
However, experts agree that the effectiveness of the vaccine is still considered to be impressive, even against delta mutants. According to a recent UK study, the vaccine is currently 79% effective against COVID-19 infection and 88% effective against symptomatic COVID-19.
The unique characteristics of the delta mutant are likely to cause an increase in cases, both unvaccinated and vaccinated. Unlike the original coronavirus that causes COVID-19 or other variants, studies have shown delta variants.
- More contagious for both adults and children
- It is associated with a high viral load of the infection and a long infectious stage (it may spread more widely and quickly).
- It can lead to infections in vaccinated people and spreads as easily as infections in unvaccinated people
- May cause more serious illness
These differences are Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Admit that “the war has changed”. According to them, now we need to focus on immunizing as many people as possible, but we encourage people to identify their own personal risks to severe illness and the risks of their loved ones, and that risk. We also need to focus on taking steps to reduce the risk.
This means that everyone, whether vaccinated or not, must consider and act accordingly on the COVID-19 infection rate in the community and the vaccination rate of those around them. The CDC currently recommends that fully vaccinated people wear masks in public indoor spaces. This can be the case if you are at high risk of serious illness due to COVID-19, or if you have a family member at high risk of serious illness, or you are not fully vaccinated. This includes children under the age of 12 who are not yet eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.
In addition, if you have COVID-19 symptoms such as headache, sore throat, runny nose, or fever, you should test the vaccinated person. Vaccination was tested 3-5 days after known exposure to people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and 14 days in public indoor environments and around others, or test results were negative. You need to wear a mask until you get it.
Do vaccinated people need a booster?
Although the Food and Drug Administration has amended Pfizer and Modana’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the COVID-19 vaccine to allow fully vaccinated people with a weakened immune system to receive a third dose. , CDC recently recommended to those who received Pfizer mRNA. If you are a vaccine and are 65 years of age or older, live in a long-term care facility, or are at high risk of serious illness, you will receive a booster shot. Authorities say they will continue to review the data before granting approval for additional doses of the vaccine. All fully vaccinated populations.
With increasing hospitalizations and deaths, it is undeniable that community expansion is occurring primarily among unvaccinated people. Therefore, our top priority is to give these individuals first and second doses while waiting for further guidance on the need for booster immunization for all who are already vaccinated.
Immunizing as many people as possible in the community not only saves lives, but also delays the spread of COVID-19, prevents the development of further variants, and allows them to return to normal more quickly. If you haven’t done so already, get vaccinated.
Jyotu Sandhu, MD, Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group..
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