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What you need to know about COVID-19 in Ottawa on Friday, October 15th

What you need to know about COVID-19 in Ottawa on Friday, October 15th


Recent developments:

Which is the latest?

Today is the deadline for staff at most Ottawa hospitals to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and most employees have rolled up their sleeves.

Ontario Prime Minister DougFord will speak on the extended vaccine certificate and verification application at 11:00 a.m. ET.

Kingston, Ont., Mayor Bryan Patterson is urging students to keep their small and off-road holidays to Queen’s University that will be returning home after the number of big street parties last month.

Believers of the Upper County School Board of Canada approved a motion earlier this week that would require all kindergarten students to wear masks at school from November 1st. It follows similar policies implemented by other local tables.

How are you?

As of Thursday,Ottawa has a total of 30,382 cases of COVID-19. There are 276 unknown active cases, 29,505 cases are considered resolved and 601 people have died from the disease.

Public health officials have reported more than 56,200 COVID-19 cases in eastern Ontario and western Quebec, including more than 54,300 resolved cases now.

Elsewhere in eastern Ontario, 209 people with COVID-19 have died. In western Quebec, the death toll is 222.

Akwesasnethere were nearly 990 residents who tested positive for COVID-19 and reported 12 deaths between its northern and southern parts.

Kitigan Zibi Anishinabegthere have been 34 cases and one death. Territory Tyendinaga Mohawk there have been 20 cases, with one death and an active community outburstwith Pikwakanagan there has been no case.

CBC Ottawa is profiling those who have died from COVID-19With If you would like to share your boyfriend’s story, please CONTACTwith

What are the rules?

Eastern Ontario:

Ontario is in step 3 of the reopening plan and is expected to announce the next steps next week.

The total collection limits are 25 people inside and 100 people outside. Those limits are even higher for organized events.

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Indoor dining capacity is based on distance. Gyms and museums can reach a capacity of 50 percent inside.

The vaccine passport system is in place at least until spring.

Other groups in the region are also coming up with their own COVID-19 vaccine policies, including for staff.

LOOK | Most local hospital staff fully vaccinated when the deadline arrives:

Most Ottawa area hospital staff are fully vaccinated when the deadline arrives

Dr Alan Drummond, an emergency physician at Perth and Smiths Falls County Hospital, says health care providers have an obligation to be vaccinated in order to keep patients safe and those who do not want to do so must find careers. others. 0:55

Western Quebec

Under the rules of its green zone, 10 people are allowed to gather inside private residences and 20 people outside, which increases to 50 if they play sports.

There are no longer capacity limits for certain places in Quebec. Restaurants will lose capacity and hours limit on November 1st.

A vaccine passport is available for people aged 13 and over in such public event spaces, restaurants and gyms.

Quebecers may use an application or show paper evidence; people outside the province will have to show paper evidence.

What can I do?


COVID-19 initially spreads through droplets that can hang in the air.

People can be contagious without symptoms, even after receiving a vaccine. Variants of concern are more contagious and are created.

This means that it is important to take precautions now and in the future, such as staying home while you are sick. and receiving cost assistance if necessary keeping hands and surfaces clean and taking into account distance from anyone you do not live with.

Masks, preferably those that fit well and with three layers, are mandatory in public indoor environments in Ontario and Quebec and are recommended in crowded outdoor areas.

The Toronto Maple Leafs defend Morgan Rielly’s battle with Ottawa Sen. Drake Batherson for control of the ball in the third period at the Canadian Tire Center October 15, 2021. A crowd of 15,159 took on in the first game of the regular season with fans in Ottawa in almost 600 days (Marc DesRosiers / USA TODAY Sports)

Vaccines inhibit the spread of all variants of COVID-19 and go a long way toward avoiding death and hospitalization without providing complete protection.

There are federal guidelines for what vaccinated people can do in different situations.

Health leaders in the area generally say smaller Halloween gatherings are allowed with precautions for unvaccinated and / or vulnerable people. The guidelines may be better in selected areas where COVID-19 is spreading more than others, such asAkwesasne AND Tyendinagawith

Health Canada recommends older adults and people with basic medical conditions help with work.

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms should be isolated, as should those who have been ordered to do so by their public health unit. The duration of isolation varies inQuebecANDOntariowith


All potential travelers must be fully vaccinated by October 30 to board a plane, train or naval vessel in Canada.

Fully vaccinated, tested and pre-approved people can come to Canada.

The US will require all foreign nationals coming to the country to be fully vaccinated in early November as a condition of reopening the borders, with some details to be announced.


Four COVID-19 vaccines are considered safe and approved in Canada.

The two most commonly adopted for you who are 12 years old. Pfizer and BioNTech have submitted preliminary test data for their COVID-19 stroke to younger children in Health Canada.

doses21:28What do we know about children and COVID vaccines?

COVID vaccines have already been approved in Canada for people 12 years of age and older. Now, PfizerBioNTech says it plans to apply to Health Canada to authorize its vaccine on children ages five to eleven, starting this week. So what do we know about children and COVID vaccines? 21:28

The Canada Duty Vaccination Force says people can wait from three to four weeks and up to 16 weeks between the first and second doses. The same working group says it is safe and effective to mix the first and second doses.

Ontario and Quebec giving certain groups third doses.

More than 3.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the wider Ottawa-Gatineau region combining the first, second and third doses with a population of about 2.3 million.

Eastern Ontario

Ontario is vaccinating anyone who is 12 or older by 2021. People cansearch for provincial meetings onlineor by phone at 1-833-943-3900. Pharmacies and some family doctors offer vaccines through their booking systemswith

Local health units have flexibility, including booking and third strokes, so check their websitesfor details.

They offer doses at a short notice as campaigns move from mass clinics to mobile clinics to fill gaps in vaccine coverage.

The province has recommended that people aged 18 to 24 get the Pfizer-BioNTech, or Comirnaty vaccine because the Moderna or Spikevax vaccine carries a mild risk of a rare heart condition.

Western Quebec

Anyone 12 years and older make an appointmentor visitpermanent movement clinic on the movewith

Symptoms and testing

COVID-19can range from a cold-like illnessin a severe lung infection, with common symptoms including fever, cough, runny nose, headache, vomiting, and loss of taste or smell.

Children tend to have a upset stomach and / or redness.

If you have severe symptoms, call 911.

Mental health can be tooaffected by the pandemic,ANDresources are available to helpwith

In eastern Ontario:

Anyone requesting a test can leave an appointment. Check with your health unit for clinic locations and hours.

The last day for Ottawa’s Coventry Road through the COVID-19 testing site this year is Saturday. The city testing working group is looking for an indoor space with the National Arts Center garage unavailable this time.

Ontarios says to only prove if you adapt to certain criteria, such as having symptoms, exposure or a certain job.

People without symptoms but who are part of the province’s targeted testing strategyyou can leave an appointment at selected pharmaciesQuick Tests are available in several locations, including some childcare facilities when the risk is high.

A poster advertises free COVID-19 rapid tests for asymptomatic children attending Hopewell Avenue Public School in Ottawa. (Vivek Krishnamurthy)

Travelers who need a testyou have several local options to pay for one.

In western Quebec:

Tests are strongly recommended for people with symptoms and their contacts.

People can make an appointment or see what their internet access options are. They can also call 1-877-644-4545 with questions.

Quick COVID-19 tests are available at all Quebec preschools and elementary schools.

First Nations, Inuit and Mtis:

The first nations, the Inuit and the Mtispeople, or anyone traveling to work in a remote indigenous community, are eligible for a trial in Ontario.

Akwesasne ka COVID-19 test and vaccine clinics, with information online or at 613-575-2341.

People in Kitigan ZibiAnishinabeg can call the health center at 819-449-5593 for a test or vaccine; e-mail is another option for booking vaccines.

Tests are available atPikwkanagnby calling 613-625-1175 and vaccinations, at 613-625-2259 extension 225 or by email. Everyone insideTyendinagawho is interested in a test can call 613-967-3603 and should check out the website of specialized vaccine clinics.

Inuit in Ottawa can call Ekausivik Ekuit Family Health Team at 613-740-0999 for service, including testing and vaccines, in Inuktitut or English on weekdays.




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