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Henrietta Lacks, its cell line changed medicine and was honored by the World Health Organization

Henrietta Lacks, its cell line changed medicine and was honored by the World Health Organization

Henrietta Racks have in the meantime Her “immortalized” cell line, which helped change her medical history, was awarded postmortem honor by the World Health Organization (WHO).

On Wednesday, WHO awarded Lux ​​with posthumous honor for her life-changing contributions to science and medicine. CBS News Report.. Scientists have been able to successfully clone and develop the first human cells to replicate indefinitely through cells called HeLa cells taken from Lux tumors.

Luck’s cells “enabled immeasurable scientific advances” related to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, polio vaccines, HIV and cancer treatments, COVID-19 research, and even the treatment of the effects of zero gravity.

“In honor of Henrietta Lacks, WHO recognizes the importance of promoting racial equality in health and science, taking into account past scientific injustices,” said WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Gebre. Dr. Jesus said.

“It is also an opportunity to recognize women who have made incredible but often invisible contributions to medicine, especially those of color.”

In 1951, Johns Hopkins, MD, Physician George Gay, who was responsible for tissue culture research, extracted two small tissue samples from Lux to support cancer research in “immortalized” cell lines of cervical cancer. It was when I was being treated. Luck was unaware that the sample was taken.

After her death, Lux’s HeLa cells continued to prosper and became ubiquitous research sources that contributed to the development of drugs for many diseases. Englishman Report.. However, the Lux name was overlooked in the scientific world until recent years.

Who ultimately praised Lux’s non-consensual but critical contribution to modern medicine? The organization acknowledged that for decades, Lux’s race and importance in science had been hidden by the global scientific community.

“What happened to Henrietta was wrong,” Gebreez said.

They worked to correct their mistakes by announcing the afterlife and inviting her family to the WHO office in Geneva. Yahoo Report.. Lux’s 87-year-old son, Lawrence Lux, received the award on behalf of his mother.

Awards come A few weeks after the Lux family filed a proceeding against the pharmaceutical industry for selling Lux cells.




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