“Carnivorous” STI donovanosis is becoming more common in the UK
Carnivorous infections that cause “Beephy Red” ulcers are more prevalent in the United Kingdom. New report Revealed on Friday.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, STI, Donovanosis is most common in parts of India, Papua New Guinea, central Australia, the Caribbean Sea and southern Africa.
However, according to a survey in the United Kingdom, cases of donovanosis have been steadily increasing since 2016. Although that number is far from the prevalence of other STIs, public health records show that only 30 cases occurred in the UK in 2019, and the past two years (data not yet published) It was even rarer to be found in the UK, especially more than five years ago, so there is concern that it will spread further.
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Dr. Melinda Pettigrew, a professor of epidemiology at the Graduate School of Public Health, said he sees donovanosis as a “current minor concern,” but the notes spread in the United States are not out of the question.
“Donovanosis is still very rare,” Petty Gru told USA Today. “But there is potential concern about the increase in numbers. The actual numbers may be slightly higher, as sexually transmitted diseases are often undiagnosed and may be missed. “
according to National Library of Medicine, Donovanosis is more common in men than in women. Dr. Karan Large recently Public TikTok video The potential surge in the UK is “terrifying”, explaining the Donovanosis testing process and encouraging social media users to express their fear of STI.
What are the symptoms of donovanosis?
STI, donovanosis, causes heavy pain in the genital area and can cause gradual damage to body tissues. It may be caused by a bacterium called Klebsiella granulomatis.
Donovanosis does not actually eat meat, but is called “carnivorous” because of its cruel appearance from “beephy red” ulcers on the skin.
“The initial symptoms-a bright red genital ulcer-are painless but should not be ignored,” Petty Gru said. “Rapid diagnosis and treatment are also important.”
Petty Glue emphasized that those who believe they have been exposed to donovanosis should see a doctor, be diagnosed, and take antibiotics immediately according to their doctor’s prescription. If someone is diagnosed with STI, they need to tell their sex partner about the infection so they can be treated as well.
How is STI treated?
STI, a risk factor for HIV transmission, is generally transmitted through unprotected sex, but it can also be transmitted through nonsexual skin-to-skin contact. Newborn babies are also at risk through their mothers.
Antibiotics are used to treat donovanosis such as azithromycin, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Most treatment courses last for 3 weeks or until the pain is completely healed. Long-term treatment is needed to cure the illness.
The best way to prevent STI is through protected sex. External and internal condoms are a good precaution as they help protect against exposure to body fluids that may contain bacteria.
Are Doctors Worried About Increasing Spread in the United States?
Petty Gru said they were all relative in determining concerns about the spread of donovanosis in the country.
“Currently, donovanosis is very rare in the United States, but there are sporadic cases,” she said. “But other sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise in the United States.”
Petty Gru said that “theoretically” the risk factors for unprotected sexual activity are increased in other bacterial infections, which could lead to an increase in bacterial Klebsiella granulomatosis in the United States.
“The worst thing we can do is shameful people, and they don’t talk to their partners, get diagnosed, or get medical treatment. These are the spread of bacterial infections. It’s a condition that makes it possible. The number of health care providers is also important. If it is difficult to identify a sexually transmitted disease because the health care provider is rare and may be inexperienced with this infection. there is.”
What are the major sexually transmitted and sexually transmitted diseases in the United States?
According to the CDC, there were 2,554,908 cases of sexually transmitted or infectious diseases in the United States in 2019.
Chlamydia is the most commonly reported sexually transmitted disease, with more than 1.8 million reported in 2019. Young women (ages 15-24) account for 43% of reported cases and face the most serious consequences of undiagnosed infections.
Gonorrhea was the second most prevalent in 2019 with 616,392 cases, reaching 188 cases per 100,000.
Sexually transmitted diseases differ from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in that most STDs begin as STIs. Not all illnesses start with an infectious disease, but not all illnesses start with an infectious disease.
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