7 things you need to know about Covid today, as experts will reveal when the third wave peaks
The headline for the coronavirus on Sunday, November 7th is here, as the best health experts say new cases have peaked in the UK.
Dr. Susan Hopkins of the UK Health and Security Agency said the peak number of new cases was October 18, with nearly 58,000 diagnosed.
She told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show that while Britain is currently at its peak flattening, the country still “may remain at such a very high level, ie deaths that can be prevented by vaccination. It means having it. “
Asked who is currently dying as a result of being infected with Covid-19, Dr. Hopkins said:
“It’s especially elderly, especially over 70, but some people are clinically vulnerable, very vulnerable, and have an underlying medical condition.”
Dr. Hopkins says that about 5% of people who remain unvaccinated and the reduced effectiveness of the vaccine against jabs still kill older people.
The Chief Medical Advisor told the presenter: “Deaths are still seen, mainly in unvaccinated people … but deaths are also increasing in the vaccinated group due to the weakening effect of immunity.”
She added: “As we said, the immune system is weakened, and we see people with the weakest immune system, especially in the elderly and vulnerable groups.
“So, if you’re a healthy 30-year-old, two doses can protect you for a longer period of time, so those people need to move forward with a third dose as soon as possible.”
Get a booster to save Christmas
Elderly and vulnerable people are encouraged to obtain the Covid-19 Booster Jab as part of their “national mission” to avoid returning to coronavirus restrictions on Christmas.
So far, about 10 million people in the UK have received additional jabs, but the percentage of those who have not received vaccine booster shots is still high.
The latest Public Health Wales figures for the number of people receiving the Covid booster vaccine are more than two-thirds (71.6%) of caregiver residents, two-thirds (66.6%) of health care workers, and caregiver work. More than half (56.5%) and workers over 80 (64%). Click here for the Welsh vaccination rate.
People over the age of 50 and those at highest risk for Covid-19 are eligible for boosters 6 months after the second jab.
British Health Minister Sajid Javid said young relatives should encourage qualified parents and grandparents to accept booster immunity and the flu vaccine.
“If we all get together and play our part,” he said, the country “can avoid returning to limits and enjoy Christmas.”
“Approximately 10 million people in the UK received Covid-19 boosters and third jabs, which is a phenomenal achievement in less than two months,” said Javid.
“As we approach this milestone, I would like to thank those who have come forward and encourage everyone in the country to be vaccinated, protected and encouraged. ..
“We know that immunity begins to weaken after six months, especially in the elderly and the vulnerable. Booster vaccines enhance protection to keep people safe during the winter.
“I strongly recommend that anyone eligible for a Covid-19 booster or flu vaccine accept the offer as soon as possible.
“For those who are not yet qualified, help your parents, grandparents or vulnerable loved ones get their jabs, which may save their lives.
“And if you still don’t have your first and second vaccine, it’s not too late, the NHS is always there to welcome you with your arms outstretched.
“This is really the mission of the country. If we can all get together and play our part, we can overcome this difficult winter, avoid returning to limits and enjoy Christmas.”
A third jab could be a requirement to avoid movement restrictions on the move that could further facilitate booster uptake.
However, Sunday’s email was controversial as to when authorities would take action and could continue the trip without quarantine if they asked for a booster six months after the second jab but had not yet been offered. He reported that he was discussing a grace period to be able to do so.
read more:All the latest coronavirus news in Wales can be found here.
Another 3 million people were invited to the Coronavirus Booster Jab
An additional 3 million people have been invited to host a coronavirus booster jab in the United Kingdom.
The NHS England invites people who received a second vaccination more than 5 months ago. This means that you can get a replacement as soon as 6 months have passed since your last vaccination.
They said 8 million of the 12 million invited were vaccinated by Saturday.
From the start of the NHS Booster Program, 16 million booster invitations will be sent by next week.
The only part of Wales where Covid cases are increasing
Despite a surge of concern in four regions of northern Wales, Covid cases have declined in most parts of Wales over the past seven days. ..
Only Wexham, Flintshire, Anglesey and Gwynedd showed an increase in the virus.
WalesOnline compared Public Health Wales data to identify the location of Wales where the virus spreads most rapidly. We compared the numbers announced on November 5th with the previous week.
These numbers are the 7-day rolling total for new cases adjusted for population (per 100,000). These numbers are a useful guide, but it’s important to remember that they are only part of the story. If the number of tests increases significantly in one place, the number of confirmed cases may increase.However, these numbers are still an important factor Welsh government And public health Wales decision making.
The latest 7-day infection rate across Wales (7 days until October 31) based on every 100,000 cases is now 548.4 Slightly lower than –550.6 Reported on Thursday. Learn more about the four areas where Covid has grown.
U.S. prepares to reopen borders for British travelers
The reopening of the United States will open the border to UK visitors on Monday, significantly boosting the travel sector.
Thousands of travelers are preparing to fly across the Atlantic for the long-awaited reunion with family and friends.
Rival airlines British Airways and Virgin Atlantic will operate synchronous departures from Heathrow Airport to celebrate the end of the travel ban.
Their aircraft will take off from the parallel runway at London West Airport at 8:30 am before flying to New York JFK.
In early 2020, a coronavirus pandemic banned visitors to the United States from dozens of countries, including the then-President Donald Trump in 26 Schengen countries in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe, China, India and South Africa. ..
Fully vaccinated travelers from these locations will be allowed to enter the United States from Monday.
In addition to being fully vaccinated, foreign travelers arriving by plane have had a negative coronavirus test within 3 days of travel, or have recovered from the virus in the last 3 months. You will also need to provide proof.
There is a limited exemption for travelers who are not fully vaccinated.
Children are exempt from vaccination requirements, but children aged 2 to 17 must be tested for coronavirus 3 to 5 days after arrival.
Fully vaccinated people traveling from the United States to the United Kingdom must be tested on or before the second day of arrival.
U.S. Court Blocks Joe Biden’s Vaccine Delegation Program
Staying in the United States, the United States Court of Appeals has temporarily suspended vaccination requirements for companies under the Biden administration.
The Fifth US Circuit Court of Appeals has granted workers a requirement to be vaccinated by January 4, or a face mask requirement and an emergency stay for weekly tests.
Louisiana’s Attorney General Jeff Landry said the action “prevents Joe Biden from moving forward with his illegal overkill.”
“The president will not impose medical treatment on Americans without the checks and balances given by the Constitution,” said Republican Laundry’s statement.
The law would have imposed vaccine obligations on people working in private companies with more than 100 employees.
The Biden administration has encouraged widespread vaccination as the quickest way to end a pandemic that killed more than 750,000 people in the United States.
The government states that the requirement, which includes a fine of approximately $ 14,000 (£ 10,370) for each breach, is confident that its safety rules take precedence over state law and can withstand legal opposition.
New infectious diseases set a record as Russia’s Covid-19 wave continues
The Russian Covid-19 case reached another day’s record as it struggled to contain a wave of infections and deaths that lasted more than a month.
Saturday’s National Coronavirus Task Force reported 41,335 new cases from the previous day, surpassing the previous daily record of 40,993 from October 31st.
The Task Force said 1,188 people in Covid-19 had died. This is only seven fewer than the daily death record reported Thursday.
Authorities cite Russia’s low vaccination rate as a major factor in the surge in cases that began in mid-September.
The Task Force reported about 57.2 million full-course vaccinations. This is less than 40% of the country’s 146 million people.
Last month, President Vladimir Putin ordered many Russians to be closed from October 30th to November 7th. He allowed local governments to extend non-working days as needed.
In the Russian capital, certain restrictions will continue to apply, such as a stay-at-home order for the elderly and requiring businesses to have 30% of their staff working from home.
Access to theaters and galleries is limited to those who have been fully vaccinated, have recovered from Covid-19 within the last 6 months, or may have a negative coronavirus test.
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