World Diabetes Day: How to Plan a Healthy Diet for Diabetic Children | Health
World Diabetes Day 2021: Life with Diabetes mellitus It’s not exactly a cakewalk. Apart from regular medications advised by doctors, diet and other lifestyle changes play a major role in the management of metabolic disorders.Manage Diabetes mellitus This is the stage in which young children are growing and developing, and nutritional compromises are even more difficult among children as they can lead to deficiency, malnutrition, or delayed growth and development.
The most common type Diabetes mellitus Type 1 diabetes is present in children, and cases of type 2 diabetes are increasing in children and adolescents. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose get into cells and give them energy. Without insulin, there is too much glucose left in the blood.
“Various hospital and clinic-based registries in India have a Type 2 percentage Diabetes in children It is rising. Type 2 diabetes was formerly known as adult-onset diabetes. But now that obesity is on the rise, it’s becoming more common in children and teens. In type 2 diabetes, the body does not produce or use insulin well, “said Dr. Phulrenu Chauhan, an endocrinologist at PD Hinduja Hospital & MRC.
Also read: World Diabetes Day: 10 Common Diabetes Myths Broken
Increased sedentary lifestyles and dietary mistakes in children are a source of concern as they can increase the likelihood of type 2 diabetes.
“Children are at increased risk of type 2 diabetes if they are overweight, obese, have a family history of diabetes, or are inactive,” said Dr. Chauhan.
Diet for diabetic children
“Diet, exercise and medication form an integral part of diabetes management. Children’s nutritional requirements differ from those of adults because they are in the growing stage. At the same time, diabetic children are normal children in terms of nutritional requirements. It’s even more important to meet nutritional needs without compromising blood glucose levels, “said Sweetal Trinidade, a HOD diet service at PD Hinduja Hospital & MRC in Mahim, Mumbai.
Modern treatments such as insulin pumps, flexible injection regimes, and strict diets can no longer be part of the dietary management of children with type 1 diabetes and lead to a more normal lifestyle.
“A customized diet plan that takes into account dietary preferences, culture, physical activity, and schedule is the perfect balance between an ideal diet and occasional allowances to maintain optimal blood glucose levels. Is very important to us, “says Trinidad.
Trinidade also suggests what to include in the diet of diabetic children.
Balanced diet: To maintain food diversity and prevent shortages, it is very important to include all five food groups: fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, milk and dairy products.
carbohydrates: It directly affects blood sugar levels and requires insulin for absorption. Matching insulin levels with carbohydrate intake is very important for maintaining blood sugar levels. Depending on the complexity, it takes two hours for blood sugar to enter the bloodstream, so you should check your blood sugar two hours after eating.
Simple carbohydrates include sugar and jaggery, and honey can cause blood sugar spikes and should be avoided. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, millet, cereals, legumes, vegetables, and whole grains help sustained glycemic levels and should be preferred for good glycemic control.
fiber: It must be an important part of the diet of diabetic children. Fiber helps maintain the glycemic index of foods and increases the majority of stools. It can be classified into soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Examples include whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and psyllium husks.
protein: Protein is important for the growth and development of the body. Foods rich in protein and complex carbohydrates help maintain a dietary glycemic index with sustained release of glucose. Soy milk, meat, fish, chicken, eggs, soybeans, milk, and dairy products contain protein and can be included in the diet of diabetic children.
fat: Although it increases satiety and lowers the glycemic index of the diet, studies show that high-fat diet intake in people with type 1 diabetes is associated with heart disease. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the consumption of saturated and trans fats and, overall, not to exceed 0.5 liters per person per month.
Carbohydrate counting method
The most important part of type 1 diabetes glycemic control
* One carb serving is a selection of food parts that give 15 grams of carbs. Example: ½ bati cooked rice, ½ bakuri (joir, vajra), apple (100g)
* Insulin to carbohydrate ratio = 1 unit of insulin for every 15 grams of carbohydrate.
* The ratio of insulin to carbohydrates varies from person to person. It may vary from person to person.
* All diets should contain carbohydrates that are balanced with the insulin dose to maintain the carbohydrate-to-insulin ratio.
* A list of local foods or food preferences should be discussed with a qualified dietitian who can customize the diet plan and educate about self-monitoring of blood glucose levels.
Dietary options for diabetic children
Children with diabetes should have a balanced diet that contains complex carbohydrates in all five meals. Your diet should be coordinated with the insulin dose prescribed by your doctor.
Here are some dietary options for diabetic children with Sweedal Trinidade:
Grocery | Energy in kcal | Grams of carbohydrates |
Bean sprout salad (cooking weight 100g) | 100 | 17 |
Mungudokura (cooking weight 100g) | 100 | 16 |
Chhena / Paneer / Paneer Ticca (40gm) | 100 | 2 |
Soybean (20gm) | 90 | Four |
Roasted chickpeas (30 grams) | 100 | 17 |
Boiled egg (1) | 85 | 0 |
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