How close is herd immunity to a child aged 5 to 11 years when vaccinated?
- Each COVID-19 vaccinated child will help reduce the spread of the coronavirus in the community, but will it drive the country to herd immunity?
- Reaching herd immunity is often presented as a pandemic off-lamp. This is a milestone that allows us to return to “normal” life.
- Vaccinations between the ages of 5 and 11 will certainly bring the country closer to this turning point.
More than 900,000 children between the ages of 5 and 11 are receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The White House said November 10th..
As the deployment of vaccines in this age group progresses, many are wondering how close this can be to the country. Herd immunity..
Herd immunity is the point at which a sufficient number of people are immunized with the coronavirus, either by vaccination or by a previous infection, and all outbreaks disappear.
Reaching herd immunity is often presented as a pandemic off-lamp, a milestone that allows us to return to “normal” life.
Early in the pandemic, scientists estimated that: At least 70 percent Part of the population needs to be protected to reach the herd immunity threshold.
It was based on the original strain of the virus.More contagious delta variants provide threshold estimates
Vaccinations between the ages of 5 and 11 will certainly bring the country closer to this turning point.
Epidemiologist Dr. Katelyn Jetelina (founder) said: Your local epidemiologist..
But so far, only 3 out of 10 parents between the ages of 5 and 11 have reported that they want their children to be vaccinated. Kaiser Family Foundation..
About children under the age of 18 23 percent of the U.S. population.. In order for the country to reach herd immunity, as many children as possible need to be vaccinated.
Especially because children under the age of 5 are not yet eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.
More work is needed to increase immunization rates for adolescents and adults. Only 69% of Americans over the age of 12 are fully vaccinated. Report Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In addition, vaccination rates are uneven across the country, so some communities are closer to herd immunity than others. This can lead to ongoing outbreaks in low vaccinated areas.
Even if the United States could raise the vaccination rate Expert It claims that the diminished effectiveness of the vaccine against delta mutants and infections has pushed group immunity further out of reach.
“It may not be possible to think that we can reach some kind of threshold that eliminates the transmission of the infection,” he says. Said last week Became a member of the CDC Vaccine Advisory Board.
One of the reasons why it is difficult to reach herd immunity is that current vaccines do not completely block coronavirus infection.
Fully vaccinated people
Similarly, a person infected with COVID-19 can be re-infected with the virus and infect others.
According to a recent CDC, previously infected individuals were five times more likely to test positive for coronavirus than fully vaccinated individuals.
Another factor affecting herd immunity is reduced protection against infection in the months following vaccination.
However, some studies show that the vaccine will continue to provide
Many experts expect the coronavirus to stay with us indefinitely — known as endemic.
However, the widespread availability of the COVID-19 vaccine will reduce the impact of the virus on the country in the future.
“Even if herd immunity is not achieved with COVID-19 (when given the delta variant), high levels of vaccination can help prevent hospitalization and death. [the coronavirus that causes COVID-19] It’s moving towards fashion, “said Carlos Del Rio, a professor of medicine. Emory University School of Medicine, And his colleague
Experts say that vaccination of children can still make a difference, even if the country does not reach herd immunity immediately.
“Children are usually less infected with COVID than adults, but children can still be hospitalized and have long-term consequences, so they are vaccinated to protect themselves. That’s really important. ” Dr. Sara Bode, A primary care pediatrician at a national children’s hospital and medical director of a school-based health and mobile clinic at the hospital.
Vaccination of children can also reduce the spread of the entire coronavirus community.
Dr. John BradleyData from the CDC and local monitoring of coronavirus cases indicate that the virus continues to spread to children aged 5 to 11 years, said the medical director of the Infectious Diseases Department at the Lady Children’s Hospital in San Diego.
“Children are a major and ongoing cause of active coronavirus infections in the community,” he said. “Once children get it, they can spread it to sensitive adults.”
Those at risk include the elderly, those with weakened immunity, and those with underlying medical conditions who are more likely to experience severe COVID-19.
And again, unvaccinated, One-third of Americans..
Recent data from the CDC show that unvaccinated people 11 times more likely to die From COVID-19 than fully vaccinated individuals.
Everyone who is vaccinated (children or adults) reduces the spread of the coronavirus. This reduces the likelihood that vulnerable individuals will be exposed to the virus.
According to Bradley, the number of adult influenza cases was particularly high when the American Academy of Pediatrics began recommending seasonal flu vaccines for children.
The effect may be similar to that of coronavirus.
“Vaccinations between the ages of 5 and 11 will accelerate the decline in the number of cases and are expected to eventually decline. [overall] incident [of the coronavirus]”Jeterina said. “This is a very welcome advance.”
According to Bradley, vaccination of school-aged children is also very socially active, such as going to parties, playing with backyards and sports teams, and playing at school. , Can have a big impact.
“Protecting a group of children in this school to prevent them from spreading [the coronavirus] Bradley, a prominent professor at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, said:
Increasing vaccination rates in this age group requires work, given that about 7 out of 10 parents of young children are not ready to be vaccinated immediately.
Part of this is to make the vaccine accessible to all children.
The board may mean having a clinic near where the children live or attend school, or to ensure that the clinic is open at a time that is convenient for the child and parents. I said no.
But that may also mean ensuring that families have access to good health information and medical professionals who can answer their questions.
“Parents are asking really great questions, so we need to be patient,” Jeterina said. “We need to show them credible information so that they can make evidence-based decisions rather than fear-based decisions.”
The National Children’s Hospital, in collaboration with Columbus City School, provides evening briefings where families can ask questions about vaccines.
We also have an on-campus vaccine clinic for easy access to vaccinations. Children can be vaccinated with parental consent even if parents are unable to attend.
According to Board, one of the most important aspects of outreach is to think about the needs of each community and try to meet them in their current location.
“By partnering with local and trusted school officials, we can easily disseminate information and provide clinics at times when everyone can attend,” she said.
“It sets a great opportunity for families to feel comfortable. They are coming to a place they know.”
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