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A big leap of mini cheetah

A big leap of mini cheetah


A roping cheetah runs through a rolling field over a sudden gap in rugged terrain. The movement may seem easy, but moving the robot this way is a completely different perspective, MIT News reports.

In recent years, four-legged robots, inspired by the movements of cheetahs and other animals, have made great strides, but lag behind mammalian robots when moving in rapidly changing landscapes.

In these settings, you should use vision to avoid failure. For example, if you can’t see the gap, it’s inevitable to step into it. There are several existing methods for incorporating vision into leg movement, but most of them are really suitable for use in new agile robotic systems, Pullkit Agra, a professor at the Institute for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Gabriel Margolis, a doctoral student in Wal’s lab, says. (CSAIL) At MIT.

Margolis and his collaborators have now developed a system that improves speed and agility as legged robots jump over terrain gaps. The new control system is divided into two parts: it processes real-time input from a video camera mounted on the front of the robot, and it translates that information into instructions on how the robot moves. Researchers tested the system with the MIT Mini Cheetah, a powerful and agile robot built in the lab of Kim Sang-be, a professor of mechanical engineering.

Unlike other methods of controlling a four-legged robot, this two-part system does not require pre-mapping terrain, allowing the robot to move anywhere. In the future, this could allow robots to plunge into the forest on emergency response missions and climb stairs to deliver medicine to the trapped areas of the elderly.

Margolis leads MIT’s Improbable AI Lab and Steven G of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. And wrote a dissertation with senior author Pulkit Agrawal, an assistant professor of career development at Renee Finn. Professor Kim Sang-bae of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. I’m Tao Chen and Xiang Fu, MIT graduate students. Other co-authors include Kartik Paigwar, a graduate student at Arizona State University. Kim Dong-hyun, an assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. This work will be announced at the Robot Learning Conference next month.

All of it is under control

By using two separate controllers together, this system is especially innovative.

A controller is an algorithm that transforms a robot’s state into a series of actions and follows them. Many blind controllers that do not incorporate vision are robust and effective, but only allow robots to walk on continuous terrain.

Because vision is a very complex sensory input to process, these algorithms cannot process vision efficiently. Systems that incorporate vision usually rely on terrain height maps. Height maps must be pre-built or generated on the fly. This process is usually slow and tends to fail if the height map is incorrect.

To develop the system, researchers took the best elements from these rugged blind controllers and combined them with another module that processes vision in real time.

The robot camera captures a depth image of the next terrain sent to a high-level controller, along with information about the robot’s body condition (joint angle, body orientation, etc.). A high-level controller is a neural network that learns from experience.

The neural network outputs the target trajectory that the second controller uses to calculate the torque for each of the robot’s 12 joints. This low-level controller relies on a series of concise physics equations to describe the movement of the robot, not on neural networks.

This hierarchy, which includes the use of low-level controllers, allows you to limit the robot’s movements and make them work better. This low-level controller uses a well-specified model that can impose constraints. This is usually not possible with learning-based networks, says Margolis.

Teach the network

Researchers have trained high-level controllers using a method of trial and error known as reinforcement learning. They simulated robots running on hundreds of different discontinuous terrains and rewarded successful crossings.

Over time, the algorithm has learned which actions maximize rewards.

We then used a set of wooden boards to build terrain with physical gaps and used a mini cheetah to test the control scheme.

It was definitely fun to work with robots designed in-house by some of MIT’s collaborators. The Mini Cheetah is a great platform as it is modular and mostly made of parts that can be ordered online. If you need a new battery or camera, just order from a regular supplier and you’ll be fine. With a little help from the Sangbaes lab, install it, says Margolis.

Estimating the state of the robot has proved difficult in some cases. Unlike simulations, real-world sensors encounter noise that can accumulate and affect results. Therefore, in some experiments, including precision foot placement, researchers used a motion capture system to measure the true position of the robot.

Their system was superior to other systems that used only one controller, and the mini cheetahs successfully passed 90% of the terrain.

One of the novelties of our system is to coordinate the walking of the robot. If a human is trying to jump over a very wide gap, he may start by running very fast to speed up and then put his feet together to make a very powerful jump over the gap. Similarly, our robots can adjust the timing and duration of foot contact to better traverse terrain, says Margolis.

Jump out of the lab

Researchers have been able to demonstrate that their control schemes work in the lab, but there is still a long way to go before the system can be deployed in the real world, Margolis said. increase.

In the future, we hope to equip robots with more powerful computers so that all calculations can be performed onboard. We also want to improve the robot’s state estimator to eliminate the need for a motion capture system. In addition, we would like to improve the low-level controller to take advantage of the robot’s full range of motion and enhance the high-level controller to function properly in a variety of lighting conditions.

According to Kim, it’s worth noting the flexibility of machine learning methods that can bypass carefully designed intermediate processes (such as state estimation and orbit planning) that model-based methods from centuries ago depended on. Deserves. I am excited about the future of mobile robots with more robust visual processing, specially trained for movement.

This study is partially supported by MIT’s Improbable AI Lab, Biomimetic Robotics Laboratory, NAVER LABS, and DARPA Machine Common Sense Program.

Reissued with permission from MIT News. Please read the original article.




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