HPV vaccine should be universal for boys and girls aged 9-14
The UK has been very successful in vaccination against the highly contagious virus, human papillomavirus, or HPV.Doing so reduced the incidence of cervical cancer in women of certain age groups 87%An amazing achievement that emphasizes the value of vaccination against illness. HPV is a common infection that can easily pass through skin-to-skin contact, including sexual intercourse. It is the cause of many forms of deadly cancer and the driving force behind cervical cancer, the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide. HPV is associated with penile cancer in men and head and neck, oral and anal cancer in men and women, beyond threats and cervical cancer.
In 2008, two years after the HPV vaccine was introduced to the global market, the UK launched an extensive vaccination campaign focused on girls. The first dose of the two-dose regimen is now regularly offered to girls aged 12 and 13. It was also offered as a “catch-up” dose to girls between the ages of 14 and 18. study What appears in Lancet shows the impact of the vaccination campaign over a decade. Compared to previous generations, the incidence of cervical cancer is 87% lower in women who received HPV vaccination at age 12 or 13, 62% lower in ages 14-16, and from age 16 By the age of 18, it was 34% lower. As of 2019, the number of cases of cervical cancer is small, and the number of cases of cervical cancer is 17,200 less.
The success of the UK campaign puts even more emphasis on the World Health Organization’s efforts to vaccinate 90% of all girls by the age of 15 with the goal of eradicating cervical cancer by 2030. increase. Vaccination can have great consequences for women and girls. However, the UK went further in 2019, deploying the HPV vaccine to all boys at the same age that girls would receive it. Given the relatively recent launch of the campaign, little is known about its concrete effects so far, but there is a strong belief that the results are equally impressive. A global organization like WHO recognizes the importance of vaccines to all individuals, regardless of gender, and expands the primary target group of HPV vaccines to both boys and girls aged 9-14. I’m expecting.
Unfortunately, even though WHO supports widespread vaccination of boys and girls as well, there are important challenges that prevent young men and women from actually vaccination.
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In the United States, the CDC recommends vaccines for all children between the ages of 11 and 12. However, despite approval, vaccine deployment has been slow, with only 61% of girls aged 13 to 17 receiving a complete triple vaccination. Only 56% of 2020 regimens and boys. This is mainly due to the fear that allowing young boys and girls to be vaccinated against viruses spread by sexual contact gives them permission that is essentially indiscriminate. study rear study.. Still, anti-HPV vaccine campaigns, including social media, Limit vaccine intake In Japan, Ireland, Denmark, and in more widespread countries like the United States, Limit the possibilities Health care providers may recommend vaccines and parents may request vaccines from their children.
Beyond social hesitation, there are price issues, especially for many low- and middle-income countries. When the vaccine was first introduced to the global market, the average price per triple-dose regimen was $ 130 each. It was almost 10 years later that the vaccine alliance Gavi was able to negotiate a much lower cost of about US $ 5 each time to low-income countries. This has stalled many campaigns around the world. In the United States, the price per dose is still high, at hundreds of dollars per dose. Most health insurance covers costs, but uninsured people are not guaranteed the vaccine and must apply for vaccine coverage support or negotiate a low price directly with their healthcare provider.
There are also knowledge and comprehension issues, especially among boys and parents, and young male healthcare providers. Given the general misconception that the virus poses a risk only to females, vaccination rates between men and boys are far behind despite the risks. In the United States alone, HPV increased head and neck cancer in young men five-fold between 2001 and 2017. Vaccines can prevent over 90% of those cancers.
The UK’s success is supportive as it is the first real-world data showing how effective HPV vaccines are working to save lives. This is arguably a historic moment, doubling the global effort by ourselves and other countries, including multinational organizations, to vaccinate all young people with HPV, and perhaps to other illnesses. We hope that it will be an opportunity to expand our vaccination efforts.
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