People who survive severe COVID at high risk of death in one year
- New findings suggest that severe COVID-19 can significantly impair long-term health.
- People infected with severe COVID-19 are twice as likely to die one year after the onset of the disease as those who are not infected with severe COVID-19.
- This risk is much higher for people under the age of 65, and death is often due to causes that are not usually associated with COVID-19.
People with long COVID, a condition that occurs in some survivors of COVID-19, die twice during the next year than those who have experienced mild or moderate infection or never got sick. You may be at risk. study Published December 1st in the journal Frontiersin Medicine.
The findings suggest that severe COVID-19 can significantly impair long-term health, demonstrating the importance of vaccination to prevent severe illness.
“Long COVIDs commonly manifest as fatigue and changes in neurocognitive function. Symptoms such as persistent shortness of breath and chest pain are signs of potential complications.” Dr. Thomas Good, Vice-Chairman of Medicine at Staten Island University Hospital in New York, and Director of the Post-COVID Recovery Center told Healthline.
according to Dr. John Laimo, Director of Medicine, Long Island Jewish Forest Hills, Queens, NY, Severe cases are characterized by severe dyspnea.
“This can manifest itself as dyspnea, low blood oxygen levels, or significant lung involvement,” he said.
Laimo explained that people with mild infections may only experience symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, malaise, and headaches, but generally no respiratory symptoms.
Researchers at the University of Florida analyzed electronic health records of 13,638 people who underwent a COVID-19 PCR test within the University of Florida’s health system and subsequently recovered from their illness.
Surprisingly, researchers found that the risk of death after a severe infection was significantly higher in people under the age of 65. This group showed a 233 percent higher risk of death than people without COVID-19.
“In an era when almost all COVID-19 hospitalizations are preventable, this study shows the important and under-examined sequelae of COVID-19 and the corresponding need for prevention,” the author of the study said. Is writing.
According to patient records, only 20% of those who required hospitalization and died of severe COVID-19 died from infection-related complications such as abnormal blood clotting and respiratory failure. ..
That is, 80% of deaths were usually due to causes unrelated to the disease.
“Since these deaths were not the direct cause of COVID-19 death in these patients who recovered from the first episode of COVID-19, this data is based on COVID-19 biological injury and COVID-19 physiology. It suggests that physical stress is important, “the researchers wrote.
They said doctors may not have seen the association, as deaths occurred so often long after people recovered from their illness.
Gut said a serious increase in COVID-19 mortality within a year is “somewhat expected.”
“The damage caused by the acute viral phase can cause fatal complications for weeks or months after the infection is resolved,” he explained.
However, he realized that he was concerned about the age of the affected people.
“What’s even more worrisome to me is how high the risk of death for patients under the age of 65 with a severe COVID infection is,” Gut said.
Laimo said these findings support the idea that people who recover from severe COVID-19 experience a decline in overall health.
“This increases the risk of future infections and reduces the ability to recover from subsequent medical conditions,” he said.
Laimo said our healthcare system is facing challenges every time COVID-19 surges.
He also warned that raising awareness of long-term COVIDs and their lasting effects would continue to pose challenges for healthcare.
“But with rising immunization rates and continued vigilance, we are confident that our system will continue to function at the highest levels,” he said.
Laimo also pointed out that vaccination is the best way to prevent long COVID.
“With the widespread availability of some effective vaccinations, the majority of COVID-19 deaths and severe infections are now preventable,” he said.
“It’s clear that having a milder infection prevents bad consequences in the long run,” Gut said. “Vaccines have been shown to not only significantly reduce mortality from infection, but also reduce the severity of the disease, so it is highly recommended to complete the vaccine course and booster immunization.”
He added that it is still unclear how many people will develop symptoms from long COVIDs.
“As the pandemic continues and patients are repeatedly infected, the outlook for new cases is still unclear and we need to do a lot to vaccinate everyone,” Gut said.
According to a new study, people with long COVIDs are twice as likely to die next year as those who have never developed COVID-19.
Studies show that this risk is much higher in people under the age of 65, and death is often due to causes that are not usually associated with COVID-19.
Experts say the long COVID will continue to present challenges to our healthcare system. They recommend getting vaccinated and getting booster shots as the best way to avoid serious illness.
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