How the Pandemic Exacerbated the Mental Health Crisis of Teens
- Depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescents doubled during the pandemic, with 25% experiencing depression and 20% experiencing anxiety.
- The symptoms of depression have already increased in teens in recent years.
- According to data from early 2021, visits to US emergency rooms suspected of attempted suicide were 51% higher for girls and 4% higher for boys compared to the same period in early 2019.
As we continue to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, another health crisis is rapidly rising behind it. The United States Surgeon General has issued public health recommendations on the mental health challenges facing children and teenagers in the midst of a pandemic.
by Report of the medical directorDepressive and anxious symptoms in young people doubled during the pandemic, with 25% of young people experiencing depressive symptoms and 20% experiencing anxiety symptoms.
Beyond that, early 2021 data showed that visits to US emergency rooms suspected of attempted suicide were 51% higher for girls and 4% higher for boys compared to the same period in early 2019. It shows that.
Even before the pandemic, the level of depression and anxiety in children and teens has risen. In 2019, one in three high school students and half of the female students reported
However, due to pandemic-related protocols such as reduced face-to-face interactions between friends, social support, and professionals, professionals recognize signs of child abuse, mental health problems, and other concerns. Says things have become more difficult.
“Social isolation due to pandemics, school stress, and conflicts with stressful parents at home creates barrels in the house. Everyone has been working on emotional experiences during COVID. “said Becky Royce,doctorate
Lois is a co-director of the KiDS of NYU Foundation Integrated Behavioral Health Program at Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital in NYU Langone and a clinical psychologist in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at NYU Langone.
According to the World Health Organization’s determinants of adolescent health development, there are several factors that can shape the mental health of adolescents. These include social and economic inequality, neighborhood security, school and community relationships, family relationships, as well as age, race, ethnicity, and gender.
Lois also pointed out that it wasn’t just the pandemic itself that caused the stress. Children facing discrimination are also at increased risk of anxiety and depression.
“An important layer of this also has to do with discrimination [in the U.S.] It came to light. It increases the vulnerability of the color family, [as well as people struggling with] “Sexual identity and orientation,” Royce said.
Experts say parents may have overlooked the mental health struggle of their children, as the daily lives of the entire family during a pandemic can be different than they were years ago.
However, there are some common warning signs to watch out for.
“Signs of depression and anxiety in adolescents can be distant, socially withdrawn, uninterested in what they were doing, feeling sad or depressed, restless and afraid. “Royce said. “Toddlers can be frustrated, behave, and complain of physical symptoms such as abdominal pain and headaches.”
If Lois notices that these things are starting to happen, or if your child has different patterns, it may indicate that they are experiencing something stressful. Is called.
“It doesn’t mean that your child is worried or depressed. They may not meet the clinical diagnostic thresholds, but if you see their behavior different. It’s great to know that stress tries to catch and intervene early before it escalate and impair function, “she explained.
One of the most important ways to help children suffering from stress, anxiety, or depression is simply to talk about it.
“Discuss how difficult things are. Normalize and validate that experience for your child,” Royce said. “Being able to have a conversation and admit that things are not easy is the first step for parents to hear directly from their children what they are doing.”
If parents are worried, they can also contact school environment counselors, psychologists, and social workers who are involved in the school environment and may be able to check in.
“Prevention and early intervention are two important strategies for addressing the ever-increasing adolescent and adolescent mental health problems,” he said. Dr. Peng Pan |, Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Staten Island University Hospital.
The Surgeon Director’s Recommendation noted that groups such as community organizations, medical professionals, and government agencies can be encouraged to emphasize the importance of paying attention to mental health.
“By investing in education on the topic of mental health using developmentally appropriate and culturally sensitive communication, we all learn and participate in mental health prevention and build a strong and healthy society. You can, “Bread said.
Lois said the fact that the medical director issued this report is a sign that people are taking the crisis seriously.
“I think it’s encouraging that the Surgeon General and the entire government have acknowledged this child’s mental health crisis and are trying to rejuvenate our system,” Royce said. “Maybe this activates the system and it’s okay if people raise their hands and say it’s not okay.”
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