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COVID vaccine and pregnancy

COVID vaccine and pregnancy


McLeod Regional Medical Center December 16, 2021

Eric Cofflin, MD
Macleod OB / GYN Associates

McLeod Health and major OB medical societies, including the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM), recommend that all pregnant women be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Evidence shows that vaccines are safe and effective, based on reports from tens of thousands of individuals.

Unvaccinated pregnant women are at increased risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms, including but not limited to preterm birth, ICU hospitalization, and maternal death.

The delta variant appears to affect pregnant women who are far more serious than the original COVID-19 virus.

Prior to Delta becoming the more predominant mutant, few pregnant patients had severe symptoms. They usually had mild to moderate cough / cold symptoms.

Because delta is the predominant variability, many of these patients develop severe symptoms and end up in the intensive care unit (ICU). This strain requires up to twice the risk of death for pregnant women, up to twice the risk of needing to enter the ICU, and up to three times the risk of life-saving invasive measures such as ECMO (or life support system). ..

Vaccinated pregnant patients can avoid infections, serious symptoms, adverse effects of the virus itself, and long-term complications. In some cases, patients develop severe COVID-19 symptoms and need to give birth as early as 30-32 weeks so that the care team can manage the patient more effectively. Ultimately, the vaccination decision is patient-dependent.

Vaccines do not increase the likelihood of fetal loss in pregnant women. There are an unfortunate number of women who lose their babies during pregnancy. The vaccine itself does not increase that rate.

The best way for a mother to protect her fetus is to give her passive immunity by vaccination with COVID-19 during pregnancy. The mother develops an immune response, and only her antibodies, and her antibodies, pass through the placenta and reach the baby.

With the vaccine, the risks themselves are the same as those of non-pregnant women and others, such as muscle tenderness and pain immediately after vaccination, headaches, general malaise, and overall illness. These are very similar to the symptoms that occur after a flu vaccine or a tetanus vaccination.

We have not found that there are more or less informative time frames or semesters. Ultimately, if the mother decides to vaccinate, it is always best to vaccinate as soon as possible.

For mothers vaccinated during breastfeeding, the vaccine can still be confident that it is helping the newborn. Antibodies produced by the vaccine pass through the mother’s milk. This is another good way to provide passive immunity to your baby. Vaccination at any time during postpartum breastfeeding can provide some protection for the baby.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and would like to know more about vaccines, please contact your OB. Even after complete vaccination, pregnant and postpartum mothers should continue to take necessary precautions, such as wearing masks and increasing social distance.

Dr. Eric Cofflin holds a medical degree from West Virginia University School of Medicine in Morgantown, West Virginia. He also completed obstetrics and gynecology training at the Charleston Area Medical Center in Charleston, West Virginia.Call to make an appointment with Dr. Kafrin (843) 777-7400..




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