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Texas people getting the COVID-19 vaccine booster outperform Texas people getting the first shot as Omicron weakens.

Texas people getting the COVID-19 vaccine booster outperform Texas people getting the first shot as Omicron weakens.


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State vaccination data show that millions of Texans have not been vaccinated, as the Omicron variant of COVID-19 threatens to contribute to the outbreak of infection this winter. It shows that the demand for shots exceeds the demand for the first dose of vaccine in the last few months.

According to state data, the average number of people taking daily boosters in Texas is higher than those taking their first shots since late September. As of December 21, the average daily number of Texas people who received booster shots last week was about 52,000. In contrast, about 20,000 Texas people received the first dose.


So far this month, at least 1.2 million Texas people have taken booster shots. This is almost three times the number of people who received the first dose of the vaccine at the same time.

On the other hand, although the initial vaccination rate in November and December increased slightly, the number of people who received the first vaccination in the past few months was far below the number of people who received the booster vaccination.

The rush for a fully vaccinated one to be boosted is Hospitals and medical professionals Preparing for a surge in the case Rapid spread of Omicron variants When Texas people have to change their plans COVID-19 is approaching the holiday season for the second year in a row. Over 50% of Texas is fully vaccinated and nearly 15% have been boosted.Booster rate Remains low nationwideHowever, Texas is still ranked in the bottom 10 states.


Texas has higher immunization and booster rates in border counties and major metropolitan areas than in other parts of the state.

Obtaining booster shots helps fight variants that evade viral evolution and immune responses, said Dr. Jason Bowling, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Texas at San Antonio. It also helps reduce the risk of severe symptoms and hospitalization.

“The idea of ​​this booster is to better enhance your protection to explain the mutations that allow this variant to avoid it,” Bowling said.

Booster rates are rising as the Food and Drug Administration gradually permits use in different age groups. Adults over the age of 18 are allowed to get booster shots, and this month the FDA approved the emergency use of Pfizer vaccines for the first two doses of the same vaccine. I was qualified to inoculate. As a booster.


Meanwhile, the number of people receiving the first vaccine has declined in the past few months as vaccines have become more widely available and more people have taken the next step in their vaccination program. State data show that the initial dose in November increased slightly as Thanksgiving approached.

Still, 10 million Texas people have not been vaccinated.

There is more than one specific reason why the initial dose rate lags behind booster shots, but Dr. Emily Briggs, who specializes in family medicine and saw a split in vaccine demand from private practitioners in New Braunfels, said: Credit ideology.

“We admit that anyone who believes in science has benefited from this vaccine. They have political motivation or are frightened and are focused on that horror. Those who are not vaccinated, “she said.

Increase vaccination rate

According to Briggs, many communities, including people over the age of 65, school teachers, and residents working in skimpy, crowded areas, are eager to get boosters, but they still hesitate to do so. Some people are doing it.


Bowling feels that residents are getting a message about vaccination, but says it’s unclear if people are listening to the call for boosters, as they were when the vaccine was first available. rice field.

“Initially, we weren’t vaccinated, rather than vaccinated. Obviously, it got a lot of attention …. At first, there were a lot of people vaccinated,” Bowling said. Said. “Boosters are very important, but it’s hard to get excited about them.”

Some unvaccinated people are motivated by a surge in predicted holidays for infections to get their first shot, while others say it’s already too late. She lamented.

“The motivation comes when the person is in the hospital or has a family in the ICU, which is a long time ago,” says Briggs. “We wanted to be able to protect ourselves and our families long before that happened.”


Local government When Public health authorities The entire state is calling on residents to take precautions when traveling and gathering prior to Christmas holidays and to be tested and vaccinated.Governor Greg Abbott Continue Take a “personal responsibility” approach As the best defense against COVID-19, towards vaccination while promoting therapeutic injection centers and vaccines. He categorically opposed the obligation to vaccinate.

In Dallas County, the Department of Health and Human Services is “doubling” efforts to send a message about vaccines, spokeswoman Christian Grisares said. Strategies such as door-to-door sales and blockwalks have allowed authorities to engage in dialogue with residents and counteract distrust and misinformation about vaccines, he said. Dallas County vaccination and booster rates closely reflect state-level figures.


Residents continue to be vaccinated, but one of the problems that has arisen is that they have been vaccinated for the first time with the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine but have not returned to the second vaccination.

Dr. Anita Clearn, Assistant Director of the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District, said the city and residents about immunization rates by deploying an “army of community health workers” who spend almost every day outreach, especially in populated areas. He said he was involved. Affected by COVID-19. The health district is also organizing discussions at the city hall on COVID-19, effectively reaching out to the population through social media and influencers, Klean said. In Bexar County, about 60% of the population is fully vaccinated and about 17% are boosted.

Now that the Omicron variant has developed, according to Krian, it’s time to conceal, socially distance, and ask questions about other people’s vaccination status in a familiar environment to promote and mitigate exposure. ..


“It’s inevitable because it’s soaring here,” Klean said of the new variant.





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