You can learn to name your face while you sleep, research finds
According to a new study published Wednesday in the journal NPJ: Science of Learning, one day you may have tools to help you quickly learn and retain your name and face. Researchers at Northwestern University have found that replaying people’s name records during the deepest sleep periods of the night strengthened people’s memory and improved their ability to remember names and faces the next morning. ..
Ken Para, a senior author and professor of psychology at Northwestern University and director of the Cognitive Neuroscience Program, said:
In fact, it turns out that people remember an average of 1.5 or more names than they did before going to bed. However, Paller added that it only worked if “sleep was not disturbed during memory reactivation.”
If you wake up frequently due to noise or sleep apnea, or if you use the bathroom, it interrupts your sleep cycle-and deprives you of the restorative sleep it requires.
The body’s sleep cycle moves through four stages of sleep four to six times each night. In stages 1 and 2, the body begins to slow down. Your heartbeat and breathing slow down, your body temperature drops, and your eyes stop moving. This prepares you for the next step, deep slow-wave sleep, also known as delta sleep. During a deep sleep, your body is literally recovering itself at the cellular level-correcting the damage caused by the damage of the day and integrating memory into long-term storage.
Wired nap
Paller and his team asked a small group of 24 people to memorize a photo of 80 faces and their corresponding names. Half of the images were said to be students of Latin American history classes. The other half was described as a student in a Japanese history class.
After that, each person was wired An electroencephalogram machine that can record the electrical activity of the brain and take a nap.
During the snooze, researchers carefully monitored brain activity. Some of the names they studied were played quietly on speakers when brain waves showed that the person was in slow waves or deep sleep.
“When our participants awoke, they were relatively good at recognizing people’s faces and remembering their names-compared to face and name memories that were not reactivated during sleep. “Do it,” said Paller.
Studies have shown that people with long periods of deep sleep had the best memory recall.
However, if the brain waves showed that the person’s sleep was disturbed during the nap, there was no improvement in the recall in the test. This is an important finding, said Nathan Whitmore, lead author Nathan Whitmore, a PhD candidate for the Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program at Northwestern University, in a statement.
“This is a new and exciting discovery about sleep, because it teaches us how information is reactivated during sleep to improve memory preservation is associated with high quality sleep. “Because it does,” Whitmore said.
Is it exciting enough to use it at home? It’s not perfect yet, Paller said.
“We are currently testing ways to carry out these steps at home,” he told CNN. “But there isn’t enough evidence to be convinced of how much profit is possible.”
Future research should help discover “how these technologies can be used effectively,” he said. In the meantime, the key to good memory is to get a high quality, uninterrupted sleep.
“Through quality sleep, our memories are more likely to be available when needed and can be used to support decision making, creativity and problem solving,” says Paller. I am.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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