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Poultry can lead to apocalyptic viruses more than coronaviruses


Scientists warn that high-volume chicken breeding can cause more pandemics than COVID-19 and can wipe out half of the world’s population.

In his new book How to survive a pandemicDr. Michael Greger, a vegetarian American nutritionist, writes that poultry disease poses an even greater risk to humans than coronaviruses.

Bigger than the flu-like virus, which now infects more than 6 million people and kills more than 372,000 people worldwide, due to experts’ belief in bats in Wuhan, China at the end of last year It’s hard to imagine a threat.

But Dr. Greger, as long as he relies on eating meat, humans remain very vulnerable to new pandemics.

“It doesn’t matter when or when a pandemic causes a virus to spread explosively from person to person,” Vegan activist wrote in his book.

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Dr. Greger said the second pandemic was the 1920 bird-based outbreak of Spanish influenza. H5N1 outbreak in Hong Kong In 1997.

In the book, Dr. Gregor said that birds live in tight spaces where they cannot move their wings, and that intensive farms exposed to high levels of ammonia from their dung are the best environment for disease spread. I argue.

“The more animals jammed together, the more viruses may get more spin at the wheel of the roulette, but bets on a pandemic jackpot that may be hidden behind the lungs of a chicken.” Dr. Greger wrote.

Emily Rice, a spokeswoman for PETA, pointed to a PETA study late last year. The study revealed many “legs, injuries, and sick birds” and “severe congestion” in facilities where the birds were injured and “slowly suffered and died.”

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), H5N1 is a deadly disease that causes “a highly respiratory illness that is highly infectious in birds,” more commonly known as birds or avian influenza.

The disease is fatal to humans who develop it, with a mortality rate of 60% over the last 15 years.

Rice says the mortality rate of H5N1 “can be very dangerous if it becomes easily transmitted from person to person while retaining its ability to cause serious illness.”

“It’s a monster in the undergrowth that shakes epidemiologists,” Dr. Greger wrote.

We encouraged poultry to be kept in smaller herds, allowing them to live in less crowded and hygienic areas, but Dr. Greger warned, “As long as you have poultry, a pandemic will occur.”

“SARS, swine flu, bird flu, and now COVID-19 all go back to food animals,” said Rice.

“As noted by Cedar Meet, who reported a coronavirus cluster in Victoria, keeping animals edible for food creates a breeding ground for diseases that can be transmitted to humans.”


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