Covid-19: Given a booster effect of 1m or more, experts are seeking urgency in Omicron
The arrival of Omicron has spurred the development of the Covid-19 vaccine in the country, with the total number of booster doses currently administered exceeding 1 million and currently 100,000 pediatric doses being administered or reserved.
As a result, approximately 750,000 people will be eligible for booster immunization, 400,000 children will be eligible for pediatric doses, and health professionals are urging them to hurry “in the next few days.”
Gevena Thompson said he decided not to stall anymore after learning about it. Omicron was in the community, Prior to this week’s vacation to Nelson.
She was one of the 11,000 Oakland citizens who pushed the booster forward, approached Mark for at least four months, and fired a third shot before 12:30 pm.
“We thought we would do that today … I feel a little more comfortable knowing that I have a booster. It doesn’t seem to hit the vaccinated person that hard.” She said.
Bobby Chang also hoped for a new boost, reducing the chances of catching or infecting the infection.
“I booked this in advance. It happens to match all the red lights that happened last night. I have two kids under the age of five, so when Omicron comes, that inevitability is a bit scary. We. I really wanted him as a parent. I was vaccinated. “
According to a recent study, James Asher, an associate professor of immunology at the University of Otago, said people who received booster shots were about 50 percent less likely to get infected with Omicron.
If people get the variant, he says it is 90 percent effective in protecting against serious consequences.
Associate Professor Joanna Carman of the University of Otago Checkpoint In general, the symptoms of Omicron mutant infections in vaccinated people should be manageable at home.
“In Omicron, I think sore throat is common, but you can expect runny nose, muscle aches, and malaise. It’s a little rare to lose your sense of smell or taste. It’s a specific variant, but it still occurs. There is likely to be.
“Vaccinated people can get infected and get the virus, but they tend to be infected for a slightly shorter period of time, so they are less likely to get the virus than unvaccinated people. increase.”
The variant so far did not appear to be as serious as the Delta variant, but as it became more contagious, it was a “double-edged sword” for hospitalization, Carman said.
The government also suggests that the outbreak involves two more stages as the number of cases is expected to increase.
Kerman said it would be very clear when we reached a turning point where changes such as testing and separation might be needed.
Asher hoped that Omicron’s arrival would push vaccination to the top of people’s to-do list.
“We have been very successful in managing the Delta, and despite the opening of restrictions during the summer, high rates of vaccination controlled the spread of the Delta, and perhaps it led to some complacency. It must have been, “he said.
“People may be waiting for an Omicron infection before they get a booster. Now is a great time to get it done.”
Vicki Mount, owner of the GP and Mission Bay Doctors Clinic, agreed with the message.
She said the same applies to the dose of children before returning to school next week.
She said her clinic had a vaccine appointment 10 days in advance, but few have reserved other medical appointments.
“Some people think that when they feel that the virus may be spreading, they start to consider their GP as a dangerous behavior, which reduces the number of regular visits.
“We understand that people are worried, but we tell everyone in that zone that we are very good at keeping you safe. We greenstream patients. , Keeping sick people away from vulnerable people. “
Brian Betty, medical director of the Royal New Zealand College of GP, said doctors are also preparing to help people infected with the virus.
But he said it was important to remember that they were away from the clinic or vaccination center.
“If you have symptoms of respiratory illness at this point, here is some simple advice. You need to be tested and stay home. Self-quarantine until the test results are returned.”
Ministry of Health is urging people to go BookMyVaccine website For bookings and to find a walk-in vaccine clinic.
This includes a new drive-through vaccination center that will open tomorrow in western Auckland to support the deployment of boosters.
Westgate Drive’s Westgate Vaccination Center is capable of immunizing approximately 2500 people daily for the next 6 weeks.
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