The life and death effects of racism in the U.S. goes far beyond police shootings
The cry of racism is widespread throughout the country, even during the deaths of black men in high-profile police shootings and detention, or during jogging. May 25 death of George Floyd With a white police officer in Minneapolis Shooting armored berries In Brunswick, Georgia, on February 23, 2020, white fathers and sons caused anger and protest by their white fathers and sons.
However, as a public health researcher studying the effects of racism on the health of black men, I have found that the life and death effects of racism in the United States go well beyond police firing. .. We also found that racism harms many groups of people, but black men pay the highest.
As a result of racism and related poverty and injustice, the life expectancy at birth of black men is 71.9 Years away, white women (81.2), black women (78.5), white men (76.4). These are mainly due to the increased risk of death for black men Some types Of cancer, stroke, HIV,and murder.. Overall decline Number of murders in the US, murder still Top cause Black men have a mortality rate of 10 to 24 years.
my the study And many Other Generally associate these deaths with poor physical and mental health outcomes Racism.. For American black men, racism Daily experience Harm their health, Chronic illness And Weakness.. about 66% of blacks report high levels of routine racism..
An example is Refused for job (Instead of being treated differently On the job). On average, each black youth faces 1 Major discriminatory experience each year. Discrimination is a major risk factor for overall health problems, as shown below. Review..
There is also Opportunity blocked Black men and other types of infrequent but very important discrimination are also called major discriminatory events. By combining these discriminatory experiences, Harder And Shorter For black men more than any other race by gender group. Discrimination is known to be a premature risk factor, death, Heart disease, depression,and suicide, We know that black men are experiencing discrimination More From other groups, including black women.
As Associate professor Family medicine Charles R. Drew Medical UniversityI’ve historically been a black medical school and I’m studying how racism affects racial and ethnic minorities, especially black men. My research shows that discrimination and racism are the root causes of depression, anxiety, Substance use And suicide, And poor health.
Education does not save black men
recently Investigation, I have found that a sense of skill, which refers to the ability of people to control their lives, can reduce the psychological distress of black women. But for black men, high levels of learning were not enough to reduce psychological distress.
another InvestigationWe examined the impact of educational background on depressive symptoms and psychological distress by comparing black men and black women. When we analyzed the data of 3,570 black adults (2,299 women, 1,271 men), Education does not protect black men much Rather than protecting black women from depressive symptoms and psychological distress. This means that black men at all levels of education are at risk of depressive symptoms and psychological distress. That is, their success is not enough to reduce their depression and suffering.
All these studies use nationally representative data. Therefore, the results can be generalized to Americans. They all show the called pattern Reduced returns Of economic and non-economic resources for black men. They are also found in other races by gender groups, but they Black man.. Black men with a high level of ambition and motivation to reach the top of society as a result of these reduced returns Get sick, Feel unhealthy And Die early..
In other words, as long as the United States treats black men unfairly, they systematically because their exact same resources fail to protect them. poor result, Regardless of their position in society.
Again, these are not the only black men, but the worst.
Racism in healthcare
Even the American medical system treats Black man Worse than a black woman. This includes poor quality healthcare compared to white and black women. Such discrimination diminishes their ability to manage the disease, so that they develop Get worse results and get sick..
One of my papers shows that whites play a particular role in this. My work shows it Anti-black bias Best for white men over white women. This is very worrying because whites have the highest level of power in law, politics, police, and many other institutions in the United States. All this means that the odds are not in favor of blacks.
Recent black men’s shootings by police and others also indicate that black men have been specifically targeted White men, A group in charge of law and order. These are all Social structure And the bias is Weakness Among black men.
Money does not improve the health of black men
Some of my studies document a high risk of depression in black men boy Of high socioeconomic status. These studies show that the resulting risk of depression is high, not low Socio-economic mobility In the United States.
One explanation for this is that they pay very much High ticket price To the top of society. This journey also opens their eyes True inequality It exists in American society.
In another study between Black boy, High income increases the risk of depression, suggesting that high-income black boys are more depressed than low-income black boys. In another study of mine, a 25-year follow-up of American adults showed that higher education was actually Black man with time. I didn’t see this pattern in white men, white women, or even black women.
another Investigation, I found that white men get the most life expectancy from their employment. The gain was small, but still significant for white and black women. But black men died sooner, regardless of their employment.
Therefore, racism is the root cause of poor health in black men in the United States today. Given the social structure, personal wealth and ambitions such as advanced education, income and employment do not insulate us from the racism of American society where black men live. In fact, these assets To increase Black men could be discriminated against.
Many studies have included racial discrimination, discrimination, prejudice and related Environmental stressor Has a more prominent role in causing Anxiety, depression, Substance use, And poor health Of black men than black women.
Questions to ask yourself as a society
I finish this conversation with some questions to fellow Americans. How on earth Social mobility Make the life of white Americans are easy, Black man? Why do we need to raise social status rather than reduce the vulnerability of black men to exposure and discrimination? For whites, discrimination disappears when people achieve high levels of success, but for black men, why does discrimination increase as they go up? Social ladder? Why succeed To increase Discriminatory Experience of Black man?
Racism, however, Everyone’s health, Not just black men. It’s just bad in another way. Everyone Die early In a racist community. This is because social inequality Vulnerability, Even the most privileged one, as I explained elsewhere piece..
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, Charles R. Drew Medical University Associate Professor
This article was republished from Conversation under the Creative Commons License. Read Original work.
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