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Studies show that childhood insomnia may not go away by adulthood

Studies show that childhood insomnia may not go away by adulthood


According to the report, children who sleep less than about 7 hours around the age of 9 are more likely to have insomnia during young adulthood (24 years on average) compared to participants who sleep normally during childhood. Was more than 2.5 times higher. New research It was published in a pediatric magazine on Thursday.

People who suffered from insomnia in adolescence (mean 16 years) were five and a half times more likely to develop insomnia in adults than in adolescents who slept normally. The authors of the study stated that their study was the first long-term study to explain the developmental trajectory from childhood insomnia symptoms to adulthood, both by subjective and objective measurements.

“Based on previous studies of us and others, we find that symptoms of insomnia are about 40% of children (these) around 9 years old and last until young adulthood at around 24 years old. Julio Fernandez Mendoza, the lead author of the study, was accredited by the Board of Behavioral Sleep Medicine and was accredited by the Penstate Health and Penstate College of Medicine Behavioral Sleep Medicine. I am the director of the program.

“This is a much higher percentage than previously believed,” Fernandez Mendoza said in an email. “At least a significant proportion of children should not expect the symptoms of insomnia in childhood to develop (remit). In adolescence, the symptoms of insomnia worsen and become a chronic clinical condition. It should be considered an important developmental stage to become. ”

During the participants’ first lab visit from 2000 to 2005 and the second visit from 2010 to 2013, researchers turned off (9 pm to 11 pm) to “on” (am). I monitored my sleep from 6am to 8am). Polysomnography is used to record brain waves, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, breathing, and leg and eye movements during sleep. A third study between 2018 and 2021 reported that all participants reached adulthood and usually slept for 3.5 to 11 hours a day.

Child sleep vulnerabilities

The authors write that the symptoms of persistent insomnia during the transition to adolescence were determined primarily by behavioral factors or by whether they were more biologically vulnerable during adolescent development.

People with insomnia tend to spend too much time in bed and do other things than just sleeping-behavior probably learned early, Fernandez-Mendoza said.

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“But one of the main insomnia mechanisms is hyperwakefulness, which is understood as the stress symptoms that control arousal / arousal and the biological dysregulation of the center of the brain,” he explained. Adolescents are known to have this type of hypervigilance. Other factors such as gender, race or ethnicity, and socioeconomic status can also affect the symptoms of insomnia.

Management and treatment of insomnia symptoms

This study emphasizes the need to “quickly deal with insomnia in children and try to overcome problems that can lead to insomnia and sleep deprivation.” I was involved in the research.

“We see insomnia with not only physical problems but also mental health problems,” Lloyd said. “People with a lot of mental health problems tend to have more sleep problems, and people with more sleep problems tend to have more mental health problems.”

“We focus on good habits and behaviors that we can control, especially in childhood and adolescence-it only produces good and positive habits as adults,” Lloyd added.

How our ancestors slept can help sleep deprivation today

If you have a teenager who’s always tired, that’s not okay, Lloyd said. Don’t assume they’re just a reckless sleep-they can be exhausted because they have sleep or circadian rhythm disorders or mental health problems that affect sleep.

Parents, teachers and pediatricians need to address these signs immediately.

“Always consult your pediatrician and behavioral care provider, if any,” said Fernandez-Mendoza. “There are evidence-based and safe behavioral therapies that are effective and can be performed under the supervision of a trained clinician, allowing the child to sleep independently without bedtime resistance or the need for parents to sleep in the room. I can.”

For adults, cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) Is “a first-line treatment for insomnia and is gaining increasing support in adolescence. Many of us scientists-clinicians use CBT-I with minimal indications in adolescence. It treats insomnia, “he added. “The sooner we treat it, the better. Sleeping pills should be a second-line treatment.”

One of the most important tips is to control the use of technology or screen time. “I once told the children of narcolepsy,’Oh, I’m vigilant as long as there’s a screen in front of me,'” Lloyd said. “It speaks of volume. How does it affect people who are warned and alert enough to not fall asleep while looking at the screen (without narcolepsy)? Human sleep)? ”

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Lloyd recommended following the American Academy of Pediatrics. Recommendations Limit screen time by setting a cutoff time that calms children and avoids exposure to technology that suppresses the important sleep hormone melatonin.
General sleep hygiene Important for both children and young adults. This includes maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and maintaining a quiet, dark and cold room.
Insufficient sleep due to insomnia and educational obligations can have significant long-term effects, allowing children to start classes late in the morning and work with a natural circadian rhythm. School system to do-as AAP Recommendations Regarding school start times, -suggests that it could also help, Lloyd added.




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