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What is it and what does it mean for California? – NBC Los Angeles

What is it and what does it mean for California? – NBC Los Angeles


On Thursday, Governor Newsroom officially announced that California would move to the endemic stage after two years of rigorous COVID-19 protocol across the state.

Governor announced new SMARTER plan This is the state’s latest pandemic response. He announced the plan and acknowledged that it could surge by the end of the year and that all variants are associated with a variety of obstacles.

SHot and vaccines continue to be the greatest defense against hospitalization, and the state continues to maintain the ability to administer “at least 200,000 vaccines per day in addition to the existing pharmacy and provider infrastructure.”

MQuestions serve as a great way to slow the spread of the virus and provide excellent filtration that can alleviate respiratory problems.The state “maintains a stockpile of” 75 million high quality masks and the ability to distribute them as needed. “

AConsciousness is the way people keep information from health authorities up to date. Clear communication is important, and the state will continue to provide information on vaccines, masks, and other relevant facts to all 58 counties and “support engagement with at least 150 community-based organizations.” I will continue.

REase is the way the state plans to move to a new endemic stage. State health authorities will continue to monitor wastewater throughout the state and enhance respiratory monitoring within the healthcare system.California also maintains its ability to “add 3,000” Clinical staff in Across 2-3 week needs and different types of medical facilities. “

TAssessment remains an important part in measuring virus infection levels and ensuring that tests are distributed. The new plan will enable the state to continue to carry out at least 500,000 antigen and PCR tests per day.

EEducation is prioritized. Face-to-face instruction at school and safe attendance of children are key parts of the plan. The state will endeavor to expand its school-based vaccination site by 25%.

Rx gives you more and more access to evolving treatments. Treatment serves as an important tool for saving lives across the state, and California maximizes orders for “the most clinically effective treatments available” to ensure they are ordered within 48 hours.

What is endemic? How is it different from a pandemic?

The World Health Organization officially declared a pandemic of COVID-19 in March 2020. This meant that the virus was causing an unpredictable wave of illness around the world.

Illness and pandemics Endemic When it begins to occur regularly in a particular area with an established pattern. However, health officials say COVID-19 is far from being officially declared endemic.

How is California transitioning to endemic?

California has become one of the first states in the country to begin adopting specific policies, including removing the obligation to use state-wide indoor masks for vaccinated individuals. School children need to wear a mask.

Health officials have moved towards this decision as Omicron cases have begun to fall into the state.

The state is also moving forward by removing the negative requirements for test results for people visiting nursing homes and hospitals.

In LA City officials It is said that you no longer need to display proof of test results twice a week, you only need to display test results once a week.

It is the largest state economy that begins to implement its own policies, and other states may follow California’s initiative. Governor Newsom said the state needs to learn to live with the virus.

What does this mean for unvaccinated individuals?

Those who have not been vaccinated must wear a mask indoors.

What if the incident reoccurs and the number of states surges?

State authorities Revive the duty of the mask When the number of cases begins to increase and there is a rapid increase. State health officials have monitored trends across the state and said they could surge in the fall and winter.

Does this affect testing and vaccines?

Residents will continue to have access to tests and vaccines. Unvaccinated people are advised to be vaccinated or to follow up on booster doses.




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