Remember the deadly Shamoli earthquake in 1999 that killed more than 100 people, and collapsed about 2,600 homes
An earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale struck the Garhwal-Kumaon region in the western Himalayas on March 29, 1999 at approximately 12:30 midnight. The earthquake in Chamoli district of Uttar Pradesh (now in Uttarakhand) killed nearly 103 people.
The maximum effects of the earthquake were observed in Chamoli, where nearly 2,600 homes collapsed, and more than 10,000 homes were severely damaged.
In all, about 1,256 villages were affected. Some buildings far from Delhi have sustained non-structural damage. No cases of liquefaction were reported, and longitudinal cracks in the ground were seen at some sites in the affected area.
what is the reason?
The Himalayas experienced a 2,400 km crustal shortening from the northern edge of the Indian plate, resulting in the formation of several thrust faults, including the main centripetal thrust (MCT), the main boundary thrust (MBT) and the main forward thrust. (MFT). MCT consists of three sub-axes: MCT I, MCT II, and MCT III. Most earthquakes occurred along these thrust faults. Reportedly, the Chamoli earthquake in 1999 was associated with these fault systems.
According to Wikipedia, it was the most powerful earthquake to hit the foothills of the Himalayas in more than ninety years. Apart from Chamoli district, the earthquake also affected five other districts of Uttar Pradesh, including Rudraprayag, Bageshwar, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarkashi and Puri Garhwal (all in now Uttarakhand).
Among these provinces, Chamoli and Rudraprayaag were the hardest hit. Aftershocks continued, and most of them occurred in eastern Chamoli. Pakistani officials said earthquakes were also felt in Lahore and Gujranwala.
Damage and losses
The earthquake resulted in severe ground deformations. Ground crack formation has been reported in many areas. Landslides and changes in groundwater flow were also seen. Developed ground fissures have been reported in Gopeshwar, Bairagna and Chamoli. Faults were observed on asphalt roads in several locations, and landslides cut off parts of Mandakini, Mandal Valley and other major roads.
The death toll was more than 103. In addition, several hundred people were injured, and about 50,000 homes were damaged. More than 2,000 villages were affected by the earthquake. Electricity, communications and water supply were also severely affected by the earthquake, particularly in Jobeshwar, Chamoli city and Ukhimath district in Rudraprayaagh district. Almost all the houses and shops of Chamoli built on the cliffs in the lower part of the city were destroyed.
The bridge deck of a pedestrian suspension bridge located near Bairagna developed a side bend, and the bridge cables were loosened. Water pipelines in the towns of Jobeshwar and Chamoli were damaged, affecting the water supply due to landslides caused by the earthquake. The concrete lined channels of the irrigation network in the damaged area were subjected to some cracks.
In Delhi, many buildings have sustained non-structural damage. According to Dr BL Wadhera, who filed the PIL Act in the Delhi High Court, cracks have emerged in Delhi’s Shastri Bhavan, which houses several Union ministries. Damage occurred to many buildings in Dehradun, and some of the old buildings of the Survey of India had their gabled masonry collapsed. Cracks suffered along the intersections between the pitched roof and masonry walls.
rescue operations
Rescue operations were hampered by landslides, the loss of electrical power and the interruption of communication links with Shamoli. Several road workers were involved in clearing landslide debris from a 16-kilometre stretch of road leading to the worst-hit area. Local residents carried out search and rescue operations, while the Indian Army led the rescue effort, and paramilitary personnel were also called in to help. The army used helicopters to transport needed supplies. Food and other essential items have been airdropped to villages that lack motorable roads and where roads have been damaged by landslides. Locals organized a committee to make sure those most affected had access to food.
According to one research paper, the activity of large aftershocks, which included several events of M>5, created a lot of fear among the population. They were reluctant to sleep inside their homes even if they had few or no homes. Speculations of an impending major earthquake increased anxiety and panic. Massive wildfires, common during this time of year, have pushed some wild animals towards villages and towns, increasing insecurity among the people. The impending monsoon in the next two months remained a major concern; Slope failures and additional damage to partially damaged homes are feared.
Read also: Savior in life and death! Looking back at the history of ambulance services in India
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