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The wearable brain scanner prototype can scan your entire brain on the move


The newly designed lightweight helmet can be used as a brain scanner to track electrophysiological processes that are believed to be responsible for various mental health disorders.

Researchers at Nottingham University published details of their brain scanner in a journal NeuroImage.. This paper details the prototype, a 49-channel device that can scan the entire brain while the patient is moving. According to the team, this design makes a hat-like scanner ideal for children and other patients who find it difficult to stay still during the image acquisition process.

“Understanding mental illness remains one of the greatest challenges facing science in the 21st century. From childhood disorders such as autism to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease Health affects millions of people throughout their lives,” says Matt Brooks, a senior researcher in physiology, pharmacology and neuroscience at Nottingham University. “Often, even a very detailed brain image showing what the brain looks like fails to tell us about the underlying pathology, and as a result, what the brain actually does in health and disease. There is an urgent need for new technology to measure what you are doing.”

To gain a more comprehensive understanding of brain current and brain activity, investigators built on an existing (but new) technology called OPM-MEG (optical pump magnetometer magnetoencephalography) and are non-invasive Captures milliseconds in milliseconds Millisecond images of electrophysiology of the brain during various tasks. However, OPM-MEG currently offers a small number of sensors (about 13) that target specific brain regions.

The team worked with Nottingham engineering firm Added Scientific to design and print a high-channel-count 3D helmet that can pinpoint (up to millimeters) the brain regions that control hand movement and vision. The team designed and compared two full-head scanners: a flexible EEG-like cap and a hard helmet.

According to the team, both designs yielded high quality data, but with a rigid helmet, the field data can be reconstructed into a 3D image of nerve current changes. The investigators determined that the device’s signal detection was very robust by repeatedly measuring the two participants. The system also compares to the performance of existing cryogenic MEG devices.

Based on these findings, the team said the new full-head scanner will make it easier to scan children as well as epileptic patients during seizures. This will give you a better understanding of the abnormal brain activity that causes seizures.

Still, Nottingham University lead author Ryan Hill warns, and more research is needed to determine both OPM-MEG features and limitations.

“Although it can be exciting, OPM-MEG is still an early technology that needs significant development,” he explained. “Although multi-channel systems are available, most demonstrations employ a small number of sensors located in specific brain areas, and the introduction of an array of whole heads makes this technology an effective commercial application. It’s an important step forward.”


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