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Probiotics have little effect on bowel health in most people, review results


However, according to a new report from the American Academy of Gastroenterology, these so-called beneficial bacteria are less effective for intestinal health, including digestive conditions such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. There is none.

“There is currently not enough evidence to recommend the use of probiotics for the majority of the gastrointestinal disorders we have studied,” said Jeffrey, a pediatric gastroenterologist at the Texas Medical Center and spokesperson for AGA. Dr. Playdis said.

Depending on where you live, probiotics are sold over-the-counter or by prescription, but supplements can be expensive and their prescriptions vary.

“Our guidelines emphasize some use cases for probiotics, but more importantly, the public’s assumptions about the benefits of probiotics are not well-founded. A news statement from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She was the chair of the panel that issued the new guidance.

Bacteria and yeast

Probiotics are small creatures that contain certain bacteria and yeast and are commonly found in foods such as yogurt and dietary supplements.

“Probiotics are living microorganisms that, when given in appropriate doses, provide a host of health benefits,” said the World Health Organization.

One strength of reviews Existing research and research Lin McFarland, an associate professor of medicinal chemistry at the University of Washington, examines the effects of individual formulations of single or multiple strains of probiotics individually rather than grouping them together. Was to do.

“Choosing effective probiotics means matching a particular probiotic strain to the type of disease in need of treatment. In most cases, labeling of probiotic products is useless “McFarland, who was not involved in the review, said.

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Probiotics have come to know more about the role of the intestinal bacterium, or microbiome, in digestive tract health, promising an effective way for probiotics to effectively transform the microbiome, and popular Is increasing.

“Our hope is that a better understanding of the microbiome will enable us to more effectively select beneficial probiotics in certain situations,” Su said.

However, because probiotics are not considered pharmaceuticals in the United States or Europe and are not regulated like pharmaceuticals, Dr. Predydis has given consumers misleading information and probiotics. It is useful in treating the diseases mentioned as acting as a barrier to scientific research.

“The industry is largely unregulated, and product marketing is often directed directly to consumers without providing direct and consistent proof of validity,” the new guidelines said. “This has led to widespread use of probiotics with misleading evidence of clinical efficacy,” it said.

The report estimates that 3.9 million adults in the United States somehow use probiotics or prebiotics (nutrients that promote microbial growth or beneficial function) four times more than in 2007. I am. According to the report, this year it is worth $6 billion.

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“Patients regularly ask their clinicians if they should take probiotics, and if so, which product. None of the probiotic formulations being studied are currently manufactured as medicinal products, These questions create a dilemma, with the aim of treating, alleviating, or preventing the disease.”

Dr. Predis advised people who are considering starting probiotic therapy to tell their doctor that probiotics can harm certain situations, especially those with compromised immune systems. Stated.

“Among the more serious side effects are infections. As a living microorganism, probiotics can leave the intestine and enter the bloodstream, causing sepsis,” he said.

But McFarland said probiotics shouldn’t be dismissed as a health epidemic.

“Not all probiotics are made equal. Some probiotics strains and mixtures are very effective against certain types of diseases, and studies that combine all probiotics into one. Should not be overlooked,” she said.

Where probiotics can help

Reviews have found probiotics to be useful in certain situations.

Certain probiotics help preterm infants born with low birth weight reduce the number of days they need to get complete feed Save time in the hospital.

Similarly, certain probiotics should be considered for the prevention of Clostridium difficile infection in adults and children taking antibiotics. C. difficile is a bacterium that causes diarrhea and inflammation of the colon.

The review also found that probiotics could be considered in the management of cystitis, a complication of surgically treated ulcerative colitis.

But in the review, C. We find that there is insufficient evidence for the use of probiotics to treat Difficile infection, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or IBS. In fact, the AGA suggested that people with these conditions consider discontinuing probiotics, “because there is insufficient evidence to suggest the associated costs and lack of harm.”

Probiotics also concluded that it was not beneficial to North American children with acute gastroenteritis and advised that children with diarrhea should not be given ER daily.

But McFarland said the review did not take into account research done outside the United States. Probiotics have been particularly effective in reducing the duration of acute diarrhea in children in developing countries.


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