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Lost designer Damon Lindelof confirms original three-season plan


Losts co-creator never wanted to do the past three seasons (Photo: ABC

Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof explained how the popular drama series didn’t end the way it was originally intended.

The mind-boggling mystery series captivated audiences for six seasons before ending in 2010, but that was never part of the original deal.

The writer of the series explained how the series was to unfold over three tight seasons where everything would go as planned.

Talk toCollider, he explained: I am not trying to be a diplomat, I am trying to give you the most precise answer in the way I remember, that is to say that the conversations on the end of the show started from the pilot.

One of the notes we got back from ABC was When are you going to solve these mysteries? And once you solve these mysteries, why will people keep watching the show?

He added: And the first level was: Well, we’re going to introduce new mysteries as we go. Hopefully, for each of those we respond to, we have created a compelling new mystery. If we get this balance, they will not add up. I think we can both agree that we haven’t found that balance.

The lost writer Damon Lindelof

Damon Lindelof had a fixed plan for the show to end after three years (Photo: Phillip Faraone / WireImage)

The 47-year-old actor, who went on to produce blockbuster The Leftovers and Watchmen for HBO, then revealed how he got pressure from ABC to keep the show on the air longer. because of its large audience.

He continued: There were all these fascinating mysteries and so we were saying, we want these things to be dealt with before the end of season 1, these things before the end of season 2, then the series basically ends after about three years.

ABC pushed the show to run for six seasons due to its epic success with viewers (Image: ABC)

It was the initial pitch, and they didn’t even hear it. They were just saying, Do you understand how hard it is to make a show that people want to watch? And people like the show? So why would we want to end it? You don’t stop showing that people are watching.

It turns out that ABC wanted the series to run for ten entire seasons, but eventually agreed to six.

The writer of World War II explained: They were like, We agreed to let you finish the show We thought 10 seasons.

Unfortunately, the extension to six seasons has significantly affected the programming intrigue (Image: ABC)

Notice that you were halfway through Season 3, so first of all, how do you think you were going to get to 10? It is really the same thing as saying that you will not be allowed to finish the series, because how many drama series reach even 10 seasons?

It was too little too late when ABC began to understand the concerns of the writers, when the series had a difficult period with the critics starting from season three.

To make matters worse, season four was interrupted by the writers’ strike and the decline in the quality of the script never fully recovered.

Lindelof recalled: So the deal was that we landed on six [seasons] with fewer episodes to give us more time between seasons to plan things out.

And then of course, the fourth season was interrupted by the writers’ strike, but everything else went relatively by design. It doesn’t mean that everything we did worked, but we had a plan and we executed it.

Lost is now famous for having one of the most conflicting endings in television history, but we can just be glad we didn’t have to wait ten years to watch it!

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