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You can’t exercise your way from an unhealthy diet

You can’t exercise your way from an unhealthy diet


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Even if you exercise regularly, new studies show that eating an unhealthy diet can increase your risk of some illnesses and premature death.Rob and Julia Campbell / Stocksea United
  • According to new research, simply exercising more cannot overcome the effects of a poor diet.
  • Regular physical activity and a good diet are inextricably linked to your long-term health and longevity.
  • Physical activity and diet also play a major role in the prevention of many chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and cardiovascular disease.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “You can’t train a bad diet.”

This phrase suggests that when it comes to calories, it is difficult, if not impossible, to create a calorie deficiency by exercising when the diet is inadequate.

but, New researchThis phrase seems to apply in another sense: your risk of death.

High levels of physical activity do not counteract the detrimental effects of a poor diet on mortality risk, according to a new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

A study conducted at the University of Sydney found that participants with both high levels of physical activity and a quality diet had the lowest risk of death.

The risk of death for participants with the highest physical activity and quality diet was reduced by 17% from all causes compared to physically inactive participants with inadequate diet.

In addition, the risk of death from cardiovascular disease was 19% lower, and the risk of death from certain cancers was 27%.

In other words? More exercise alone cannot overcome the effects of a poor diet. Regular physical activity and a good diet are inextricably linked to your long-term health and longevity.

“This recent study causes controversial controversy,” he says. Dr. Bryan CersonMotor Psychologist at the University of Limerick, Head of Science and Innovation Whole Supp.

“What you shouldn’t take from there is that one is prioritized or more important than the other. Both diet and physical activity are important to our health and there is a synergistic effect between them. there is.”

So how can these two important lifestyle elements work together to lead a long and healthy life? And more importantly, how can you get them to work for your benefit?

“Food is not only the fuel your body needs to produce energy, but it also contains all the components (nutrients) needed to make new cells because old damaged cells have been replaced. I’m here. ” Sophie ChabrosMaster of Food Science, Nutrition Specialist, Co-Founder, CPO Abea life.

“But fitness cannot be excluded from the health equation. It keeps your muscles and bones strong, keeps your heart pumping healthy, and balances your mood and hormones.”

Physical activity and diet also play a major role in the prevention of many chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and cardiovascular disease.

“One of the main and most widely discussed ways diet and physical activity affect our health is through weight management,” says Carson.

“Excess fat is associated with the development of many of the chronic diseases mentioned above.”

In addition to weight management, Carson says physical activity and diet can improve other aspects of health, including inflammation, immune function, and regulation of muscle mass. All of these can extend their lifespan.

The phrase “quality food” is open to interpretation. In Chabros’s opinion, the Mediterranean diet remains the gold standard for lifelong health and low inflammation.

“It contains staple foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seafood, nuts, legumes, lots of olive oil, small amounts of meat, eggs and dairy products,” she says.

Various studies have confirmed a link between a Mediterranean diet and health. 1 study Eating a Mediterranean-style diet, conducted in 2006, was found to reduce cardiovascular risk factors.

and 2011 surveyThe Mediterranean diet seemed to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

In addition to the Mediterranean diet, Chabros finds it beneficial to add some fermented foods to optimize gut health and select raw (preferably organic) foods as much as possible. Is called.

One of the most common reasons for not exercising regularly is lack of time.

Good news if you are one of them. Doing the recommended amount of exercise may be more achievable than you might think.

“The World Health Organization revised its physical activity guidelines in late 2020,” Carson points out.

“For adults aged 18-64 years, it is recommended to achieve at least 150-300 minutes of moderate to active physical activity, or 75-150 minutes of more active activity per week,” he explains. increase.

That may mean walking 90 minutes three days a week, playing outdoors with the kids for 30 minutes each night, or sweating in the gym every other day.

“We also recommend doing strength training or strength training at least two days a week,” Carson adds.

strength training It is a good addition to your current routine as it is associated with improving heart health, improving mobility and strengthening bones.

No matter how physically active you are now, Carson recommends limiting your sedentary time as much as possible.

Accidental exercise, such as climbing stairs to work, running to get on a bus, or doing household chores, is also important.

Now that you understand what a quality diet looks like and how much exercise you really need, how can you incorporate healthier habits into your daily routine?


Chabros says, “Eat the rainbow.”

“Brightly colored foods (fresh fruits and vegetables, green beans, matcha, pure cocoa, etc.) are rich in antioxidants that help fight inflammation and oxidative stress,” she explains. To do.

Therefore, one of the easiest ways to improve the quality of your diet is to add colorful and fresh food to your dishes.

It is also important to get enough high quality protein and fat.

Chabloz says that foods such as legumes, lentils, beans, fish, eggs, chicken and meat contain protein.

“Aim for 15-30g per meal to keep your muscles and bones strong,” she advises.

For healthy fats, it’s found in avocados, olive oil, salmon, nuts and seeds.

Chabloz suggests that you should start adding these foods to your diet to balance your hormones and keep your skin supple.


When it comes to exercise, Carson advocates finding an exercise that you really enjoy.

“People often ask me what exercise they should do. My answer is usually to do what you are most likely to keep doing,” he says.

“If you have a type of exercise that you don’t enjoy, trying to pursue it is unlikely to maintain it, so it’s only beneficial in the short term.”

Once you find the type of exercise you’re enjoying, Carson advises you to find a way to incorporate it into your routine. This may include sharing your exercise plan with others.

“Exercise can be a social exit. It could be an opportunity to spend time with friends in pursuit of a common goal, or a coveted family time,” he points out.

“Consider incorporating exercise with others into your overall routine, rather than moving away from these interactions.”

Above all, let’s start small. Carson says that one of the easiest things you can do to increase physical activity is to limit your sitting time.

“We did some research at the University of Limerick and created a set of evidence that sitting for long periods of time can have a negative impact on health, regardless of physical activity or exercise,” he says. increase.

What’s his advice? “Sit down and break up with a short” exercise snack “for a couple of minutes throughout the day. “

The negative effects of a poor diet cannot be undone by simply squeezing or lifting heavy weight in an extra session at the gym.

For optimal health and longevity, you need both a quality diet and at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.

Prioritizing both diet and fitness may seem like a difficult order, but with a few small tweaks to your current routine, it may be easier than you think.




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