Monkeypox virus: risk description
As monkeypox spreads across the United States, people may have flashbacks to the days of clearing counters and groceries to ward off the coronavirus.But for most people, the risk of contracting monkeypox remains low. . Nearly all cases of the current outbreak — 98 percent — found in adult men who have sex with men.
So how do viruses spread?Previous outbreak studies have shown that the monkeypox virus Sent in 3 main ways: By direct contact with an infected person’s rash, by touching contaminated objects or fabrics, or by respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. evidence that pregnant women can spread the virus to the fetus through the placenta;
Scientists are trying to understand if the virus can spread semen, vaginal fluids, urine or feces where humans can be contagious before visible symptoms appear.
Several factors can determine your risk of contracting monkeypox, from caring for a sick person, to attending a packed party, or just having sex. , Dr. Jay Varma, says how close you are to a sick person, how contagious that person is, how much time you spend near that person, and your own health can affect your susceptibility to infection. Said it could have an impact. Cornell Medical College in New York City.
Here’s what experts think about our daily interactions, how the virus can be transmitted during it, and which actions carry the most risk.
What you need to know about the monkeypox virus
What is monkeypox? Monkeypox is a virus similar to smallpox, but less severe. It was discovered in 1958 after an outbreak in monkeys kept for research. The virus was primarily found in parts of Central and West Africa, but has spread to dozens of countries in recent weeks, infecting tens of thousands of people. July 23rd, The World Health Organization has declared monkeypox a global health emergency.
high risk
The activities that put people at the highest risk of contracting the virus include close and intimate contact with another infected individual.This includes skin-to-skin contact that occurs during sex and when another person is hugged, hugged, massaged, or kissed. protection during sexbut does little to prevent contact with lesions in the groin, thighs, buttocks, or other parts of the body of an infected person.
Roommates and family members living in the same home are at significantly higher risk of contracting monkeypox compared to other individuals a patient may come into close contact with, says Infection Prevention Physician for Mount Sinai Health System. said Dr. Bernard Cammins.
Household contacts can become infected with monkeypox through contaminated clothing, towels, and bedding. Saskia Popescu, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at George Mason University, said shared utensils that could have saliva on them should also be considered high-risk.
medium risk
When it comes to respiratory droplet transmission, face-to-face or near-face-to-face contact poses a higher risk than a few feet apart.Health authorities should at least 6 feet distance Some experts believe that this number is AnyStill, just like Covid-19, if you want to protect yourself from monkeypox, it’s a good idea to wear a mask indoors. Attending a packed indoor party puts you at risk of catching the virus, especially in areas with high numbers of cases.A rave where skin-to-skin contact and dancing together longer period Dr. Popescu says the passage of time could be even more risky.
low risk
Popescu said people are less likely to catch the virus by trying on clothes in stores or by touching non-breathable objects like door handles and counters. “Personally, I don’t really care about trying on clothes in stores,” she said. For those who are really nervous, she suggested that when you get home, you can just put your new one in the laundry and it will give you peace of mind.
Additionally, some activities people have learned to limit during the Covid-19 surge probably pose a lower risk of monkeypox infection. If the virus continues to spread unchecked, it could eventually spread to a wider population, infecting everyone. higher. But Dr. Cummins said, “We’re not there yet.”
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