Signs and symptoms that your dog or cat may be infected
- Pets can get monkeypox, but health experts say it’s rare.
- Scientists reported a case of monkeypox in an Italian greyhound in Paris, France.
- Symptoms of monkeypox in pets include fatigue, loss of appetite, coughing, bloating, fever and rash.
As U.S. health officials struggle to contain the monkeypox outbreak, some pet owners fear their four-legged companions are at risk.
Researchers found it could be after identifying a case of monkeypox in dogs in Paris, France. According to a study published last week in The Lancet.
The dog may have been infected by its owner, two men who have sex with men, the case study suggests. .
The study’s authors suggest that dogs may have become infected while sleeping with their owners. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, monkeypox can be spread by touching bedding and other fabrics.
Armed with this information, here’s everything the experts need to know to keep your canine or feline friend safe.
Will my pet get monkeypox?
Lancet studies show that pets can get monkeypox, but it’s rare, health experts say.
“The risk is very low,” said Dr. Lori Teller of the American Veterinary Medical Association. “The most likely way our pets can become infected is through very close contact.”
So far, no cases have been reported in cats, guinea pigs or hamsters, but studies have shown that rabbits and mice can be infected with the virus, Teller said. A monkeypox epidemic in the United States has also shown that prairie dogs can become infected with the virus. said the CDC.
Monkeypox Signs and Symptoms in Pets
Signs of potential illness in pets include fatigue, loss of appetite, coughing, nasal discharge or crusting, bloating, and fever, according to the CDC.
However, “it’s important to remember that these are common symptoms of many respiratory illnesses and viral infections,” says Teller.
Even the characteristic lesions of monkeypox, which appear as pimples and blisters-like rashes, “can look like so many things,” she said.
If a rash or two other clinical symptoms develop in pets within 21 days of exposure, the CDC urges people to notify a veterinarian for professional evaluation.
How long does the monkeypox rash last?:A visual guide to how the monkeypox rash evolves.
What should I do if my pet has monkeypox?
If your pet may have or is confirmed to have monkeypox, health professionals recommend that your pet should be removed from other animals and direct contact with humans for at least 21 days after symptoms have subsided. We recommend keeping it to a minimum.
According to CDC guidance, owners should wash their hands frequently and use personal protective equipment such as gloves, eye protection, tight-fitting masks, and disposable gowns when caring for and cleaning up sick animals. there is.
If disposable gowns are not available, agencies recommend wearing clothing that completely covers the skin. Remove and launder contaminated clothing immediately after handling pets and their belongings. . Other precautions include dedicating lined bins for disposal of contaminated waste and disinfecting bedding, enclosures and tableware after direct contact.
Teller said owners should avoid direct physical contact as much as possible, but still recommends that pets exercise outdoors.
“We know that the spread of monkeypox occurs in very close contact,” she said. We are less likely to come into contact.”
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What not to do if your pet is infected
First and foremost, health experts say Americans should not surrender, euthanize, or abandon pets that may or have been confirmed to have monkeypox.
“I’ve seen people surrender their pets during COVID, even though the risk is very low,” Teller said. “So I don’t want to see that happen again with monkeypox.”
The CDC also warns against wiping or bathing pets with chemical disinfectants, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, hand sanitizers, counter cleaning wipes, or other cleaners.
I have monkeypox: how can I protect my pet?
If the pet has not been exposed, Teller recommends asking a friend or family member to care for the pet in another home while the monkeypox patient is quarantined for the duration of the illness.
The CDC recommends that if a monkeypox patient comes into close contact with a pet (stroking, cuddling, cuddling, kissing, licking, sharing a sleeping area, sharing food, etc.), the pet should be transferred to another caretaker. is not recommended.
Pets that have been in close contact should be kept away from other animals and people in the home for 21 days. Where possible, CDC recommends another member of your pet’s home care.
Monkeypox in children:Everything you need to know about symptoms, vaccines and treatments
If an infected pet owner has to care for a healthy pet during quarantine, Teller said the person should wash their hands before and after caring for them. said it was important to wear gloves and a tight-fitting mask.
According to the CDC, owners should also prevent pets from inadvertently touching contaminated fabrics such as sheets, towels, and clothing. It is also important to avoid direct contact with the exposed rash.
Follow Adrianna Rodriguez on Twitter: @AdriannaUSAT.
Health and patient safety coverage on USA TODAY is made possible in part by a grant from the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation and Competition in Healthcare. The Masimo Foundation does not provide editorial opinion.
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