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The mystery behind the 1991 earthquake in Uttarkashi

The mystery behind the 1991 earthquake in Uttarkashi


Scientists in India recently praised the efforts of the US space agency, NASA, to discover and crash the large asteroid “Dymorphos” that was moving towards Earth at a speed of 14,000 miles per hour. “Dymorphos,” the size of a football field, was successfully crashed by the DART spacecraft about 10.09 miles from Earth. In November, NASA launched the spacecraft with the goal of colliding with the asteroid and diverting its course.

A separate DART spacecraft has been published that took pictures of the collision. NASA will share these images in the coming days.

Thus, NASA has developed a system in which it can launch any large asteroid heading towards Earth and divert its course so that it passes safely through the planet.

NASA scientists should be congratulated for their great achievement in predicting and diverting the asteroid.

In this regard, I would like to mention the 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake which was caused by an asteroid impacting the Earth, but it was considered an earthquake although a number of associated accidents prove that it was due to an asteroid impact.

The Uttarkashi earthquake occurred on October 20, 1991 at 02:53:16 local time and had a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter scale. The tremor caused by an earthquake was not the kind that normally occurs when an earthquake strikes. People felt a tremor of sound and light in contrast to the rumbling sound accompanied by a slight swaying-like movement that lasted for some time.

Although it was officially recorded as an earthquake, that was the time when a large asteroid was orbiting the Earth and NASA had warned earlier that it could hit our planet anywhere. Although such an impact has not been reported anywhere, but the way the Uttarkashi earthquake occurred, it left many signs that prove that the asteroid passed the Earth at that point and caused all the damage that was later associated with the movement of the plates.

By the way, a lot of light and heat was generated at that time which can be seen even in Dehradun and far away places and make a sound as if two metal objects are hitting each other.

People were surprised when they noticed a brightness at night that never came at the time of the earthquake. The sound produced was unlike the rumbling sound one would normally experience at the time of an earthquake. Second, in the place of this effect, the changes that occurred were not of the kind that usually occur with earthquakes; The temperature of the epicenter also confirms this.

In the Uttarkashi region, the buckling of bridges, canals, electric poles and associated materials is in contrast to the effect of an earthquake where these elements sink into the ground or are otherwise damaged. Cracks in homes and roads were also of the type caused by a severe impact, not an earthquake. The impact was so great that many old houses even in Dehradun and nearby places developed cracks. The damage reported at the time indicated that it was not an earthquake, but an asteroid impact that traversed the area. It was a mild effect as evidenced by the type of damage done. If the effect had been greater, the damage would have been much greater.

The areas worst affected were located along the banks of the Bhagirathi Valley, which consist of soft clay soils. This soil was literally shaken by the event and led to the collapse of homes and other buildings.

This author has tried to raise the issue several times to no avail. We hope the relevant authorities will take note of this issue now.

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