Teenager Cancer was Misunderstood by Exam Stress Documents on the Way of a Surviving Scrapbook Trip
A high school girl who was mistaken for cancer due to fatigue from trial stress records a year-long fight against illness through a survival scrapbook.
Ela Richards, 16, from Henry in Arden, Warwickshire, counts the number of days her family fly to Kalamata in southern Greece for a vacation at the end of the first GCSE year of July 2019. It was.
However, on the way of her trip, she felt sick and too tired to join her brother Charlie (15) and sister Scarlett (12).
Ella’s parents, Teaching Assistant Melanie, 49, and graphic designer Gavin, 52, put her fatigue under stress after a hectic period of practice and practice exams.
However, after returning from vacation, Ella was hospitalized with pneumonia, where swelling of the lymph nodes was further investigated.
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As a result of further testing and testing, the family was shocked by the news that teenagers had high-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma-a cancer that is highly aggressive to the lymphatic system.
“I never thought it would be as serious as cancer,” says Ella.
“I knew only old people with cancer and people in the movie. Girls like me aren’t in school yet.”
“The doctor asked my mother to speak outside, and I wasn’t worried at first because I did it several times since I was hospitalized,” she recalled. ..
“But when they didn’t come back within 5 minutes, I really started to worry.
“They felt like they were spending hours, but maybe 20 minutes.
“When the doctor returned, I found that my mother was upset and was talking about his lymph nodes making bad cells, but I was a little confused.
“That was when I told him he had cancer. I was afraid.” Oh god, what if I die?”
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Ella started chemotherapy on October 31st, given 5 doses per week IV, followed by 2 weeks off, followed by 1 week for 18 weeks.
“I can’t prepare for chemotherapy,” she explains.
“It’s very different from what Terry sees: it’s not just non-stop illness in the bowl.
“You are nauseous and tired, but the bad thing for me was to lose my hair.
“I was proud of my hair-it was on my hips-but I wanted to regain some control so I couldn’t do it myself before it fell naturally” I decided to cut it off.”
The trauma of losing her hair was easily mitigated with a £500 coupon to the Bullring Shopping Center in Birmingham, given by the charity Molly Olly’s Wishes.
“My mother was in contact with a charity while she was in the hospital,” explains Ella.
“I always loved shopping and wanted to buy something that could hide the fact that I lost my hair.
“Among other things, I bought fake eyelashes and eyebrow treatments.”
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Ella finally finished her chemotherapy in March and performed a follow-up scan at Warwick Hospital, which revealed her cancer was gone.
But sadly Ella isn’t outside the forest yet.
Ella, who had another terrible cough in early June, returned to the hospital for an examination and revealed a swollen lymph node in her neck.
She was referred for a biopsy on June 23, and doctors revealed news of concern that the cancer had recurred.
“This was the worst news I’ve ever had,” she said. “It was said that I had cancer for the second time in less than a year.
“It was like taking a break from a nightmare and taking a break. It’s just that nightmares are reality.”
This time, her medical team is working on cancer with targeted therapies rather than chemotherapy.
She is taking low-dose anticancer drugs daily and is expected to continue this regimen for a year.
She was reassured that she was unlikely to lose her hair that was 1 inch long. “The doctors tell me that there is an 80% chance of complete remission if this treatment is continued.”
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Ella documents her cancer journey through a personal scrapbook, an idea a nurse suggested to her shortly after she was diagnosed with cancer.
“My nurse advised me to start a project that stopped everything. I always enjoyed art at school, so a sort of scrapbook makes sense.
“My dad got me all the ingredients and brought them – a big blank book, a felt-tip pen, a card of different colors.
“From the vacation in Greece to my diagnosis, I started working on filling it, and then building from there.”
“Mom printed a photo and brought me an old prescription box.
And when Ella continued to bravely record her experience, her scrapbook became more than just a distraction.
“Scrapbooks have helped me in more ways than I imagined,” Ella said.
She continued. “If it was a bad day, like before you cut your hair, you can flick everything you’ve ever done and see how far you went.
“It’s still great to see how much I’ve achieved,” she adds.
“Now when I flick a scrapbook, I see that all 20 of those pages can take whatever I can throw into the world.”“data-reactid =” 120 “> For more information on Molly Olly’s wishes and how to donate, please visit the following URL.
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