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UK nurses say strike is still on after ‘disappointing’ negotiations with government

UK nurses say strike is still on after ‘disappointing’ negotiations with government



UK nurses and ambulance drivers keep trying strike A dispute over wages after negotiations with the government failed to produce a breakthrough on Monday.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN), which represents nearly 500,000 nurses, midwives and medical assistants, called the meeting “deeply disappointing”.

“We are yet to see a resolution to our dispute,” said Joanne Galbraith-Marten, RCN’s director of employee relations and legal services, in a statement. Ministers have the distance to move to avoid next week’s nurses’ strike,” she added.

After months of resisting union calls for direct negotiations with the government on wages, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has opened the doors in a last-ditch effort to end the unions. Worst wave of industrial action Britain has seen for many years.

Entering negotiations, the health care union had warned that unless the government raises salaries for this fiscal year to April 2023, a strike scheduled for later this month will proceed.

In an interview with the BBC on Sunday, Sunak did not rule out mentioning salaries for nurses and other National Health Service (NHS) workers this year. , said his remarks offered “optimism.”

But Galbraith Marten said on Monday the government did not want to. offer more money Regarding the current fiscal year, he claimed that “next year’s budget is already set.”

The RCN is planning a strike on January 18th and 19th.

Meanwhile, 10,000 ambulance workers are set to go on strike on Wednesday as planned, according to the GMB union, after talks with Health Minister Steve Barkley failed to make much progress.

“Today’s meeting fell short of anything substantive that could stop the strike this week,” GMB Secretary of State Rachel Harrison said in a statement. “There has been some engagement over salary, but no concrete proposals to resolve this controversy and significantly advance the recruitment and retention crisis.”

Health Secretary Steve Berkley said at the meeting that the government would welcome input from unions on “the 2023/24 independent wage review process and what is affordable”.

Berkeley said it “was calling for further discussion of ideas for making the health service work better … that could unlock additional funding,” adding that “we all want to see a solution. I am keen to continue the dialogue on this over the next few days,” he added. Added.

In addition to meeting with medical unions, government officials also met with unions representing railroad workers and teachers.

Workers are demanding higher wages and better working conditions in the face of this situation. record inflation and a sharp drop in living standards.

A typical UK household will be £2,100 ($2,500) poor over the two years to April 2024. Solution Foundation,think tank.

“The UK is only halfway between two years of income shortfalls,” said Larisa Trie, a researcher at the Resolution Foundation, in a statement.

Ahead of Monday’s meeting, Unite leader Sharon Graham, who also represents ambulance drivers, said Sunak said: unsolved. ”

“Again, unless he acknowledges the need to make real progress on current wage claims, strikes will continue across the NHS this winter,” she said in a statement.

Unison health chief Sarah Gorton, who represents other NHS workers, said: “A firm commitment to raising wages for the rest of the year means unions may call off the strike.” rice field.

CNN reached out to Unison and Unite for comment on the negotiations. About 2,600 Unite paramedics are planning to strike in Wales on 19th January and in England on 23rd January.

Other unions are also preparing for new industrial action. The teachers’ union is holding a vote of its members over the possibility of a strike, and the British Medical Association began voting on junior doctors on Monday.

Monday’s meeting between trade unions and ministers came after the government introduced a bill last week. Make it harder for some workers to strikeUnions have criticized new laws that force fire, ambulance and rail service workers to maintain a basic level of service during strikes.




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