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Can removing the fallopian tubes reduce the risk?

Can removing the fallopian tubes reduce the risk?


  • A new consensus statement from the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA) suggests that some women should have their fallopian tubes removed to reduce their risk of ovarian cancer.
  • Screening for ovarian cancer is often considered a failure because it can lead to false positives that lead to unnecessary operations and surgical complications.
  • The average risk of ovarian cancer is low.

new agreement statement from Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA) advises many women to have their fallopian tubes removed to reduce their risk of developing ovarian cancer.

according to statementPublished on January 30th.

According to the OCRA consensus statement, those diagnosed early can develop advanced ovarian cancer with high mortality. On the other hand, people diagnosed with late-stage ovarian cancer may have less aggressive disease and more aggressive disease. positive result.

Screening for ovarian cancer is often considered a failure because it can lead to false positives leading to unnecessary operations and surgical complications. American College of Gynecology (ACOG).

average risk of ovarian cancer However, it is the deadliest type of gynecologic cancer and the fifth leading cause of cancer death in women.

“Individuals who do not desire future fertility and have completed childbearing may be counseled regarding removal of the fallopian tubes during gynecologic surgery for benign conditions. Oliver Dorrigo MD, PhD, director and associate professor of gynecologic oncology at Stanford University, told Healthline.

Opportunistic salpingectomy — Medical term for removing the fallopian tubes to prevent ovarian cancer — At-risk women who have already had some pelvic surgeries, including hysterectomy and tubal ligation, cyst, and endometriosis surgery More and more recommended for women. .

According to Dr. Troy GatcliffMany cases of ovarian cancer start in the fallopian tubes, according to gynecologic oncologists at the Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute.

Composed of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) about 90% of all ovarian cancers. The most common type of EOC is called high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC). very often in the Fallopian tube before spreading to the ovary.

“As our ability to understand the cellular origin of tumors has evolved, we have discovered that the majority of serous epithelial ovarian cancers are of fallopian tube origin. 90% can be prevented,” says Dr. G. Thomas LewisOB/GYN Leader at Memorial Care Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California.

According to research, the steps are: safety, cost effectiveand low risk.

“Removal of the fallopian tubes is generally safe and preserves ovarian hormone production in premenopausal women,” says Lewis.

Certain women at risk for ovarian cancer may want to consider having their fallopian tubes removed, according to a new consensus statement.

Early signs of ovarian cancer are subtle and difficult to detect, says Ruiz.

Genetic testing done by oral swabs or blood tests can help identify whether a person has a familial or hereditary gene. BRCA Genes that increase the risk of ovarian cancer.

Anyone diagnosed with ovarian cancer or who has a first-degree family member with a genetic mutation that increases the risk of ovarian cancer should undergo genetic testing, advises Dorigo.

someone who has a gene associated with ovarian cancer BRCA Mutation — A referral to a gynecologic oncologist who recommends further screening and risk-reducing surgery, Gatcliffe said.

“In high-risk women with a known genetic predisposition, prophylactic resection of the fallopian tubes and ovaries to reduce risk is recommended once the patient has completed childbearing, received appropriate counseling and is ready to undergo surgical menopause. It’s the standard of care,” Gatcliffe said.

Opportunistic salpingectomy is not recommended for those wishing to preserve future fertility.

“If that is met and you are having pelvic surgery, counseling to encourage salpingectomy to reduce your risk of ovarian cancer is appropriate,” Ruiz said.

A new OCRA statement advises many women to have their fallopian tubes removed, known as an opportunistic salpingectomy, to reduce their risk of developing ovarian cancer. By doing so, up to 90% of ovarian cancers can be prevented.




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