Mediterranean Diet Associated with Lower Risk of Dementia
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No cure or proven a method of preventing dementia, AFFECTS 55 MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE,but number of studies It states that following a Mediterranean diet may reduce your risk of developing this condition.
Those who adhered most to a Mediterranean diet rich in seafood and plant-based foods had up to 23% lower risk of dementia than those with lower adherence to the diet. latest research, was published Monday in the journal BMC Medicine by an international team of researchers. In absolute terms, the study found that adhering to a Mediterranean diet was associated with a 0.55% reduction in the risk of developing dementia.
The most recent survey had 60,298 participants. UK biobank study A period of just over 9 years was followed. There were 882 cases of dementia in the group during the study period. The individuals were between the ages of 40, she was 69, and white, British or Irish. According to the researchers, how well they adhered to the Mediterranean diet was assessed using two different questionnaires widely used in previous dietary studies.
“There is ample evidence that eating a healthy, balanced diet can reduce the risk of cognitive decline. However, the evidence for specific diets is less clear,” says Alzheimer’s Research UK policy. Chief Susan Mitchell said in a statement. She was not involved in research.
“This new large study adds to this picture, but only utilized data from people of Caucasian, British, or Irish ancestry.” More research is needed to clarify whether the reported benefits also apply to minority communities, where historically dementia has often been misunderstood and heavily stigmatized.
There is currently no magic bullet to stop dementia, but eating lots of fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly and quitting smoking are behaviors that contribute to heart health and protect the brain from dementia-related diseases. It is useful for
mediterranean diet There’s an impressive list of science behind it.I can eat this way Prevent cognitive decline but also help the heart, reduce diabetes, prevent bone lossStudies have shown that it promotes weight loss and more.
Research published March 8 clearly people who consumed food from the Mediterranean and MIND focused on the brain An autopsy showed the diet had fewer sticky beta-amyloid plaques and fewer tau tangles in the brain, the hallmark signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia. The MIND Diet stands for Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.
The Mediterranean diet emphasizes plant-based dishes. The bulk of each meal should be fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and seeds, and some nuts. Butter and other fats are rarely, if ever, consumed. Sweets and goods using white sugar and flour are rare.
Meat appears infrequently, but is usually just a flavoring to the dish. Instead, the diet may include eggs, dairy, and poultry, but in much smaller amounts than in a traditional Western diet. Staple.
Study participants who were most loyal to their diet were more likely to be female, had a BMI within the healthy range, and were more physically active than those who were more educated and less adherent to their diet.
David Curtis, emeritus professor at the UCL Institute of Genetics in London, who was not involved in the study, noted that the latest study was an observational study and did not reveal cause and effect. He said it may reflect a generally healthier lifestyle.
“It is not clear whether such a diet per se reduces the risk of dementia, but it is likely. It is important to note that, in my opinion, if there is an effect of diet, it is more likely to affect cardiovascular health in general, and is more likely to affect dementia due to vascular disease than Alzheimer’s disease. is likely to give
Duane Mellor, Registered Dietitian and Senior Lecturer A doctor from Aston University in Birmingham, England, said the benefits of the Mediterranean diet are not limited to the nutrients provided by the food.
“The Mediterranean diet is about more than just the food on your plate, it’s about food-related social interactions, and more social people are at lower risk of dementia and other conditions.” said Mellor, who was not involved in the study, in a statement.
“We need to consider how a Mediterranean diet can be adapted to the food available and eaten in the UK so that we can create a comprehensive message about healthy eating. This includes the importance of social aspects of sharing and eating food with others. ”
This study tentatively suggested that adherence to a Mediterranean diet was associated with a reduced risk of dementia, even if the individual had a genetic risk for the disease.
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