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What exactly is a migraine?

What exactly is a migraine?


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Contrary to what internalized stigma tells us, a migraine is more than just a headache.

Chronic migraine is the leading cause of disability in people under the age of 50 2018 researchHowever, many people living with the condition may struggle to recognize the seriousness of migraines and get the medical care they need for migraine headaches, says migraine disorder association nurse and Kylie Petrarca, Associate Program Director, said.

“People aren’t giving it the recognition it deserves,” she added.

Many doctors don’t fully understand the nuances of the migraine disorder, says Dr. Frederick Godley, an ear, nose, and throat specialist and president of the Migraine Disorder Association.

But there are experts who study and treat migraine conditions. neurologyJournal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Understanding what a migraine is, why it happens, and what you can do is a powerful tool for advocating for yourself and getting the right treatment, Petrarca said.

What was formerly called a migraine is now called a migraine attack, Petrarca said, giving us a better sense of how far the condition extends beyond head pain.

According to Lebanon, New Hampshire-based neurologist Dr. Stewart Tepper, migraines start deep in the brain. The condition is better understood as a complex neurological disorder that affects many parts of the nervous system, Godley said.

To be diagnosed with a migraine condition, a patient must have had at least 5 attacks in their lifetime, each lasting 4 to 72 hours if left untreated. The condition must also meet at least two of the four criteria: moderate to severe intensity, throbbing pain, worsening with activity, and occurrence on one side of the head. He added that at least one of the two characteristics of hypersensitivity to sound had to be included.

It’s hard to say exactly, but there’s a lot of evidence that shows there are genetic and environmental factors that cause people to develop migraines, Petrarca said.

Although migraine tends to run in families, it can still manifest differently among different members of a family, said Godley.

Genetics is the main cause, he added, but some migraines can also be caused by head trauma. It may affect

However, Tepper said it’s important to note that there is a difference between what causes migraines and what causes them.

Because migraine triggers vary from person to person, Petrarca recommends recording when you have an attack so you can track what factors may be involved.

People usually start getting migraine after puberty, but in younger children it can manifest in the form of colic, motion sickness, dizziness, etc.

For many women, migraine attacks tend to accompany phases of the menstrual cycle when estrogen levels change, Petrarca said. It can also be caused by alcohol, she added.

Unfortunately, both chocolate and wine can be big triggers, Petrarca said.

When most people think of migraines, they think of headaches. However, many people experience more than that.

About one-third of people experience an aura that leads to a migraine. A migraine is “a temporary sensory disturbance that lasts from five minutes to an hour,” Petrarca said.

It can look like blurred vision, spots, numbness in the limbs, or changes in speech, she added.

Petrarca said the list of symptoms that can accompany a migraine is long, but includes dizziness, dizziness, brain fog, ringing in the ears, mood changes, yawning, neck pain and loss of appetite.

“I know there are many other symptoms that accompany a migraine attack, so I think I’m just taking it out of my head pain,” she said.

Also, some symptoms, including fatigue, can occur before a migraine, after a migraine, or between attacks.

There are many medications you can discuss with your doctor to treat or prevent migraine attacks, but finding a doctor who understands the migraine condition is important.

Due to the lack of medical professionals familiar with migraine treatment, you may need to advocate for yourself and your pain in order to receive a diagnosis and effective treatment.

Once you have these medicines, be prepared and take them as soon as symptoms begin. Don’t wait for later.

“Once it starts it’s very hard to stop,” she said.

However, medications are not the only treatment for migraine. One of the first things a person can do, he says, is to change their lifestyle.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is often helpful in managing stress that can trigger migraine attacks, and taking vitamins and supplements such as magnesium and riboflavin can be effective in reducing migraine frequency.

But getting back to the basics of health can be very beneficial. Track your migraines, create a sleep routine, exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, manage your stress, and stay hydrated.




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