Lack of sleep may predispose to developing asthma, study shows
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Poor quality and quantity of sleep may increase the risk of developing asthmaaccording to a new study.
Previous research had already shown that asthma tends to cause sleep problems, but the researchers wondered if the association works in reverse—that is, how you sleep can make you more likely to develop asthma. I wanted to know if it had any effect on sex. A study published on Monday It was published in BMJ Open Respiratory Research.
“We’ve always known there was some link between asthma and sleep, but most research has been on the presence of obstructive sleep apnea,” says pediatric allergist Amal Dr. Asaad said. Immunology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. She was not involved in her latest research.
To investigate, researchers looked at cohort data from 2006 to 2010. UK Biobank, Extensive biomedical databases and research resources that track residents over time. According to reports, the ages of those investigated ranged from he was 38 to he was 73.
About 18,000 people who participated in the study were diagnosed with asthma, according to the study, with a 10-year follow-up. An analysis of the data showed that people with both a genetic predisposition and sleep habits were twice as likely to develop asthma than those in the low-risk group.
Typically, having a genetic predisposition increases the risk of developing asthma by 25% to 30%, said Juanita Mora, PhD, a Chicago-based allergist/immunologist and national spokesperson for the American Lung Association. I’m here. She was not involved in her research.
We have good news: healthy sleep patterns It showed a lower risk of asthma regardless of genetic susceptibility, the study said.
People with high-risk genes and good sleep patterns had a slightly lower risk of developing asthma than those with low genetic risk and poor sleep patterns, the authors added.
By monitoring and treating sleep conditions, health professionals may also be reducing the development of asthma, write the study authors. 19% of cases could be prevented.
The findings also indicate a growing need for doctors and nurses to talk to asthmatics about their sleep habits and see if their behavior is exacerbating symptoms.
Key to understanding this research is understanding the interplay between genetics and behavior, Assa’ad said.
The researchers looked at all the small changes in DNA that could increase the risk of developing asthma, she added. These markers and genetic risk result in what is called a person’s polygenic risk score.
But most people don’t know their genetic score, which indicates whether they are more likely to develop asthma, but only how severe their condition is, Assa’ad said.
What people can do is track the triggers and aggravating factors to optimally control their asthma.
The results may underscore the importance of good sleep hygiene for all people, regardless of their asthma genetics, she added.
Inflammation may be behind why sleep is so important in managing and preventing asthma, according to research.
Asthma is commonly thought of as a chronic inflammatory disease, research says. Previous research has shown that sleep duration and insomnia problems are associated with chronic inflammation.
Sleep disturbances are also associated with chronic activation of the stress response, some of which are important in the development of asthma, the study says.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults should get at least 7 hours of sleep per night.
For many, it hasn’t happened— 1 in 3 Americans have a sleep disorder According to the CDC.
But it’s not just quantity that matters, quality matters too.
“Signs of poor sleep quality include not feeling rested despite getting enough sleep, waking up repeatedly during the night, Sleeping disorder (such as snoring and gasping),” says the CDC.
That’s where good sleep hygiene (or habits) comes into play.
The CDC recommends consistently going to bed and waking up at the same time, keeping your bedroom comfortable and dark, and avoiding electronic devices before bed.
A comfortable room usually means a cool room. 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 20 degrees Celsius) According to a CNN article in 2021.
Routines to get ready for sleep aren’t just for kids who need a bath and an appointment before bed. Cozying up with a familiar activity is a great way to let brains of all ages know it’s time to rest, says Ariel Williamson, a psychologist and pediatric sleep expert at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, CNN. told to Earlier this year.
you should also avoid large meals, caffeine and alcohol Too close to bedtime to get active during the day for better sleep.
If none of these changes improve your sleep, experts say it may be time to see a doctor.
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