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A crack has been discovered in a 600-mile-long fault line at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean

A crack has been discovered in a 600-mile-long fault line at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean


Experts are on high alert amid fears that a crack in the ocean floor could trigger a horrific earthquake. Read the story below for full news. The hole, located just 50 miles off the coast of Oregon, is spewing hot fluid that scientists warn could trigger a magnitude 9 earthquake with the potential to devastate the West Coast. It lies along a 600-mile-long fault line stretching from California to Canada known as the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Although the hole was first detected in 2015, scientists now warn that the fluid out is a so-called ‘false lubricant’, which allows tectonic plates to move so easily. Therefore, the more liquid there is in the cracks of the rifts, the lower the pressure between the two tectonic plates. Without it, pressure could build up under the Earth’s crust, leading to an incredibly powerful earthquake.

Major earthquake experts are on red alert in the US coast

Scientists believe that the Cascadia Subduction Zone will one day be responsible for the Great Earthquake, an earthquake like this not seen in centuries and that could destroy many cities in the western United States. A robotic diver first discovered the crater eight years ago after bubbles of methane were seen rising from the ocean floor. The data showed that the fluid emitted from the spring was coming from the plate boundary line and appeared warmer than the surrounding area.

“They explored in that direction,” said co-author Evan Soloman, a professor of oceanography at the University of Washington who co-authored a report on the area, “and what they saw was not just bubbles of methane, but water emerging from the sea floor like a firehose.” He added that fluid loss from the marine giant front through this multiplication slip fault is important because it reduces fluid pressure between the feeler molecules and thus increases friction between the oceanic and continental plates.

Comparing the operation to an air hockey table, he continued, “If the fluid pressure is high, it’s like running air, which means there’s less friction and the two boards can slide.” Subduction systems where one tectonic plate slides over another – have been responsible for some of the deadliest earthquakes in recent years, including the 2011 earthquake in Japan that killed about 20,000 people. Scientists believe that the last strong earthquake in the Cascadia region was in the year 1700. It is believed that the quake was 30 times more powerful than the strongest earthquake expected along the San Andreas Fault that runs the length of California.

Solomon said the fluid released from the fault zone is the first known site of its kind to be discovered. However, they believed that there might be similar holes yet to be discovered. The crater is named the Pythias Oasis, after an ancient Greek oracle who could “predict” the future by hallucinating on fumes coming out of an underground hot spring. Thanks for being a patient reader.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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