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Currently available drugs may help delay symptoms

Currently available drugs may help delay symptoms


  • A new study has found that a drug called teriflunomide may delay the first symptoms of multiple sclerosis in people who show signs of MS on MRI scans.
  • Researchers have found that the drug can help even those affected who haven’t yet shown any symptoms of the disease.
  • MS is a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. In MS, the immune system attacks the protective coating that covers nerve fibers called myelin.

start treatment early for multiple sclerosis (MS) It may delay the onset of the condition, according to. new researchA study conducted at the University Hospital of Nice in France found that a drug called teriflunomide reduced the first symptoms of MS in people who had not yet had symptoms of MS, even if they had signs of MS on an MRI scan. It turns out that it can delay the

The condition that appears on MRI is called radiologically isolated syndrome and is diagnosed in people who have no symptoms of MS but have lesions in the brain or spinal cord similar to those seen in MS. Radiologically isolated syndrome is a separate condition, but these patients can develop MS.

Teriflunomide It’s not a new drug,” he said. Dr. Tyler Smith, a neurologist specializing in MS at the NYU Langone Comprehensive Multiple Sclerosis Care Center. “We use it all the time to treat multiple sclerosis. The drug is reasonably safe to use to prevent patients from developing symptoms.”

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. In MS, the immune system attacks the protective coating that covers nerve fibers called myelin. This interrupts communication between the brain and the rest of the body, ultimately leading to permanent damage or deterioration of nerve fibers.

symptoms The number of MSs varies, but may include:

  • Numbness or weakness in one or more limbs
  • prickly
  • A sensation of electric shock that occurs with certain neck movements
  • Insufficient adjustment
  • Difficult to walk
  • Vision problems such as double vision, partial vision loss, or blurred vision in one eye
  • dizzy
  • bladder function problems
  • Malaise
  • cognitive problems

Eighty-nine individuals with radiologically isolated syndromes participated in a preliminary study to be presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Half of the subjects received daily teriflunomide and the other half received placebo. Both groups were followed for up to 2 years.

They found that 8 people taking teriflunomide developed MS symptoms compared to 20 people taking placebo. This indicates that the drug lowered the risk of experiencing the first symptoms by 72%.

“The findings make a lot of sense,” Smith added. “If you have a presymptomatic patient, or a patient who looks like multiple sclerosis based on an MRI, it makes sense to give them drugs to keep them from developing new symptoms. This is not a new drug, it was just given earlier than normal.”

“Do not think [this study] Anything that novel,” said Dr. Asaf Harel, Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Center at Lenox Hill Hospital. “We know that our treatment is likely to work in very early stages of multiple sclerosis, as well as multiple sclerosis that has not yet caused symptoms.”

Teriflunomide is a drug that doctors have used for years to treat MS. It works by inhibiting the function of Immune cells affected by MSIt helps prevent new lesions in the brain and spinal cord that can delay the onset of symptoms.

The difference is that in this study, patients were given the drug before they were diagnosed with MS. Instead, they were diagnosed with radiologically isolated syndrome (RIS). RIS resembles MS on MRI but is asymptomatic. Therefore, if a person’s MRI of her shows these lesions, it may lead to a misdiagnosis of MS when in fact he has RIS.

“barrier [to this study] This is to avoid misdiagnosing someone too early. Making that diagnosis is sometimes difficult, and while someone may have been prescribed this drug for 30 years, it may not always be the drug they need.

The problem, however, is that if the lesion is in the pre-stage of multiple sclerosis, early detection is recommended because once MS symptoms begin, they cannot be reversed and corrected.

“I think the question is who needs this treatment and who doesn’t,” Harrell added. , even if it works at the group level, it is still unclear whether it is worth using because some people with RIS do not eventually develop symptoms of MS.”

“Otherwise, preventing damage before it happens is great. says.




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