Few children receive treatment for this condition
- A new study shows that gaps exist in the treatment of many children with ADHD, especially girls with parent-reported ADHD.
- Mental health professionals agree that it is important for parents, educators, and medical professionals to take notice and educate people about ADHD and its symptoms.
- ADHD symptoms include difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and difficulty following instructions.
A new study finds that most children Symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) not receiving treatment for the condition.
The study looked at 11,723 children aged 9 to 10 years. Researchers asked parents to check if their child had ADHD.
Researchers found that very few children were identified as having ADHD by their parents. dosage again mental health treatment.
Among children with ADHD, only 26.2% had received outpatient mental health care.
Furthermore, only 12.9% were currently taking ADHD medications and only 34.8% were receiving any treatment.
The study authors found that income did not correlate with receiving treatment.
They found that children with high-income, highly-educated parents were less likely to receive outpatient mental health care than children with low-income, less-educated parents.
The team also found that ADHD medications were used more by boys than by girls.
“There is a great need to increase awareness and understanding of ADHD in children.” Dr. Harold Honga board-certified psychiatrist at Newwaters Recovery in North Carolina, told Healthline. I made it.”
Lack of knowledge about symptoms is one of the reasons why children do not get the treatment they need.
“Unfortunately, I think many parents don’t even know what symptoms to look out for or how to recognize that their child may have a condition like ADHD,” says Hong. “As a result, they do not seek appropriate help or diagnose their own children. In addition, cultural and socioeconomic factors must also be considered. may not be prepared to identify and treat , leaving them untreated.”
Experts say it’s critical that parents, educators and health professionals do their part to raise awareness and close this gap in treatment.
“While we believe more research is needed on this topic, education and awareness-raising are essential to ensure that all children of all genders receive appropriate care and treatment for ADHD. “We need to work together as a community of parents, educators, health professionals and others to ensure that our children have the resources they need.”
Michelle Giordanoa psychologist and community counselor at Live Another Day, believes there are several reasons why children aren’t getting the care they need.
“As a psychologist, I am concerned about the pervasive inequalities in the care of children with ADHD, especially girls, that this study reveals. suggesting that they are not receiving adequate treatment, which may adversely affect their ability to learn and interact with others in social and academic settings.”
Some children with ADHD may not get the care they need for a variety of reasons. One possibility is that parents and other caregivers are unaware of ADHD symptoms and accessible treatments.
Additionally, there may be social or cultural barriers that prevent families from receiving appropriate care.
Experts say more needs to be done to raise awareness and improve access to treatment to help children with ADHD.
Hong said the focus needs to be on raising awareness and providing more education about ADHD and its symptoms.
Second, we must strive to improve access to treatment for all children who exhibit ADHD symptoms or are diagnosed with ADHD. This could include providing better mental health services and increasing access to resources such as treatment, medication, behavior modification plans and lifestyle changes, Hong said.
Health professionals also need to provide these services at prices that are accessible to all families regardless of socioeconomic status.
Hong also stressed the importance of the medical community providing detailed information about the various treatments available.
“This study highlights the need to make treatment better understood and accessible for children with ADHD, especially girls,” explained Giordano. “By enhancing accessibility and education, we can ensure that every child with ADHD receives the support they need to reach their full potential.”
“Parents should look for signs that their child is having trouble staying focused or focused, or is exhibiting behaviors such as hyperactivity or impulsivity,” Hong said. I’m here.
other Main signs of ADHD Can include:
- have trouble following instructions
- Difficulty concentrating on tasks
- interrupt conversations frequently
- Difficulty sitting still
- interrupt someone when they are talking
- Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
- talk too much
- Difficulty managing emotions and frustration levels
- Inability to control behavior in certain situations
- Easily distracted by external stimuli (such as noise or people)
- Avoidance of tasks requiring sustained attention and concentration and forgetfulness
There are many different treatments for ADHD, including medications and treatments. Professionals can help find the best course of action for each individual child with ADHD.
“Generally speaking, medication is the most commonly used treatment because it helps manage some of the core symptoms of ADHD. is not always sufficient and must be used in combination with behavioral interventions such as lifestyle changes, therapy (including cognitive-behavioral therapy), and behavior modification plans.”
ADHD symptoms can be managed with the help of medications such as stimulants and non-stimulants, but behavioral therapy teaches children social skills and coping mechanisms, Giordano added.
“The most effective ADHD treatment will depend on the child and the severity of their symptoms,” says Giordano. “Generally, the most successful strategies combine medicine, behavioral therapy, and parent education.”
Experts stress that parents are also important in helping children with this condition. They point out that parental education is essential.
Many children with ADHD, especially girls with parent-reported ADHD, do not receive the treatment they need, according to a new study.
Mental health experts explain that it’s important for parents, educators, and medical professionals to help raise awareness and educate others about ADHD and its symptoms.
Symptoms of ADHD include difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity or impulsive behavior, and difficulty following instructions.
Treatment is determined by several factors, but drug therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy are common approaches.
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