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What is the US FDA-approved RSV vaccine? Why should people over 60 take it to prevent pneumonia?

What is the US FDA-approved RSV vaccine? Why should people over 60 take it to prevent pneumonia?


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV usually causes fever, cough, and runny nose, but can cause pneumonia and lung inflammation. This vaccine has been shown to reduce the risk of RSV-associated lower respiratory tract disease (LRTD) by 82.6% and severe LRTD by 94.1%.

The US FDA recommends using the vaccine in people over the age of 60 who have other underlying conditions, and these people are at the highest risk of developing serious illness.This vaccine is available in India. ICU admissions due to infection in older people may decrease in older people, said Dr. Rajesh Chawla, senior consultant in thoracic, critical care and sleep medicine at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in New Delhi.

How big a problem is RSV infection causing in India?

RSV, like influenza and rhinovirus, is another respiratory infection that occasionally causes pandemics. In most people, the infection only leads to mild symptoms such as fever, cough, and colds.And, like other infections, most people recover on their own at home.

However, it can lead to serious illness in two categories of people: people over 60 with chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension and children under 6 months of age. In these people, viral infections can cause pneumonia (fluid-filling of the lungs) and bronchiolitis (inflammation of the bronchioles or small branches of the air ducts of the lungs). These people can be rushed to the hospital with shortness of breath and low oxygen saturation.

What will be the effect of the vaccine?

This is the first time a vaccine has been approved for an infectious disease. The approval was based on a study of 25,000 people, half of whom received the vaccine and half of whom received a placebo. The study found that the vaccine reduced the risk of lower respiratory tract diseases such as pneumonia and bronchiolitis (the main complication of RSV) by more than 80%. This is important.

The vaccine turned out to be safe. It only caused side effects such as pain at the injection site, fatigue, muscle aches and headaches. Rarely, inoculation with existing influenza vaccines has caused inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. Or, a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks nerve cells, causing muscle weakness. However, these side effects are very rare and the vaccine is safe to use.

At this time, the FDA has approved vaccines for only one of the two high-risk groups. Only older people with chronic diseases can be vaccinated. Not intended for children. However, vaccinating older people can also significantly reduce the number of hospitalizations seen for infections when the virus is prevalent.

How are people with RSV currently treated?

There are currently two treatments for RSV. A monoclonal antibody called palivizumab is used to prevent infection in premature babies. Once infected, the infection cannot be completely cured. The antiviral drug ribavirin has been shown to be able to prevent viral replication, thereby reducing disease severity and mortality.

But a vaccine is likely to have a better impact, and people over 60 with comorbidities should get it if it becomes available and they can afford it.

Few people get the established flu vaccine. Once an RSV vaccine becomes available, are people likely to use it?

The latest flu vaccine should be given every year. This is because prevalent strains keep changing. We do not know how often the recently approved vaccines should be given. Further research is needed to determine that.

The uptake of proven and safe influenza vaccines is not high in small cities, towns and villages, but is increasing in large cities, especially since then. COVID-19Vaccines like this can prevent hospitalization, although there’s not much focus on immunizing adults. More and more people are coming to receive Even new vaccines are more likely to be accepted as people realize their benefits.




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