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Dermatologists recommend people of color wear sunscreen as deaths from skin cancer rise

Dermatologists recommend people of color wear sunscreen as deaths from skin cancer rise


BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (WBRC) – As temperatures continue to rise, local dermatologists are warning people with darker skin to prioritize using sunscreen. With the alarming rise in skin cancer deaths among people of color, Dr. Marian Northington emphasizes the urgent need to protect ourselves from harmful sun exposure.

Dr. Northington, a Birmingham-based dermatologist, said dark-skinned people are significantly more likely to get skin cancer, even though it accounts for a tiny fraction of reported cases. She emphasizes the importance of raising awareness of this layer.

Birmingham dermatologist Dr. They face the highest risk of death because they often do not anticipate cancer.”

Dr. Marian Northington draws attention to the fact that skin cancer often goes undetected in people of color until it reaches an advanced stage. Regular skin examinations are essential for early detection and treatment, but unfortunately this group tends to ignore such screening.

“They are not willing to undergo routine skin examinations and do not anticipate the possibility of developing skin cancer. As a result, melanoma is often discovered at a later stage,” Dr. Northington says. explains.

Dr. Northington advises individuals to watch for changes in the appearance of their skin to identify potential signs of skin cancer. Warning signs include the appearance of new moles or spots, irregular shapes, color shading, asymmetry, increased diameter, and odd borders. Dark pigmentation on the palms and soles of the feet is of particular concern because dark-skinned people are most at risk for melanoma.

Dr. Northington emphasizes the importance of sun protection, regardless of skin tone, to prevent not only skin cancer, but other skin problems such as wrinkles, dryness, and blemishes. Sunscreen is very important and we recommend at least SPF 30 or higher. Dr. Northington prefers sunscreens that contain physical blockers such as zinc oxide. This is because the sun’s rays are reflected rather than absorbed and broken down, providing long-lasting protection.

In addition to sunscreen, Dr. Northington advises wearing a hat, seeking shaded areas, and minimizing sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. if possible.

With temperatures rising and the threat of skin cancer looming, the guidance of experts like Dr. Marian Northington is encouraging darker-skinned people to prioritize sun protection and take proactive measures to protect their health. It is an important reminder to take

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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