COVID-19: Here are the symptoms of infants and other children
Many parents Children Struggles to adapt to the sudden lack of access to parenting and/or find ways to safely educate and socialize infants during a pandemic. Others want to be able to carefully monitor the health of their children, especially when the school is discussing reopening.
Because of the increasing number of cases throughout the United States, children are at an increased risk of unknowingly spreading the disease, as a significant proportion of them have symptoms that mimic a cold or none at all. As reported by CDC..
So, here’s what you need to be aware of if you suspect that your toddler or other children are infected Coronavirus:
How often do children subscribe to COVID-19?
The virus doesn’t care about our story or generalization. Of course, toddlers and older children can catch covid and pass it on.
-Albert (@stolidobranch) July 17, 2020
Mayo Clinic Report Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that between February 12 and April 2, only 1.7% of COVID-19 cases were children, a small percentage of which was reported by other countries. Pointed out that it is similar to the one. However, the clinic warns that children with congenital heart disease, genetic conditions, nervous system-related and metabolism-related diseases may be at increased risk of serious illness. of Mayo Clinic also reported A study of 171 Chinese children infected with COVID-19 found that approximately 16% were asymptomatic.
Reported CDC In the United States, about 2% of cases are children China2.2% of coronavirus cases were with patients under 19 years of age Spain, 0.8% of confirmed cases were younger than 18 years.
According to CDCIn a study of more than 2,000 children with COVID-19 in China, 90% had mild or moderate symptoms, by comparison, only 4% were asymptomatic and only 5.6% Showed a severe or serious reaction.
What are the symptoms of infants and other children?
The CDC has not identified infant symptoms, but states that most non-infants have the same range of symptoms. CDC Children who are at increased risk of developing serious symptoms tend to be infants younger than 12 months. According to the CDC, children at additional risk are children “with obesity, diabetes, asthma, chronic lung disease or immunosuppression.”
Symptoms described in CDC, Tends to show up as a case of a child’s cold or mild flu. Children’s symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. However, other children may experience stuffy nose, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, headache myalgia, and loss of appetite.
Additional symptoms of coronavirus in children, According to the Mayo Clinic, Including runny nose and muscle aches.
Some parents have also begun to worry about a disease that appears to be closely associated with exposure to COVID-19 called MIS-C.
Parents should be aware of Kawasaki disease and MIS-C
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) # COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing.. The CDC encourages health care providers to report suspicious cases to local, state, or territorial health departments. See published health advisory:
-CDC (@CDCgov) May 17, 2020
Parents may also worry that their child will develop MIS-C, or a multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Mayo Clinic said the cause Specific organs such as the heart, kidneys, brain, and skin swell.
CDC said“We know that many children with MIS-C are infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 or were around COVID-19. MIS-C can be serious or fatal. However, most children diagnosed with this condition have recovered medically.”
CDC said Signs and symptoms of MIS-C include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal or neck pain, rash, red eyes, and unusual tiredness. There was also redness/swelling on the hands or feet)). If you have difficulty waking up your child, have problems with breathing, feel acute chest pain or pressure, feel severe stomach pain, show signs of confusion, or turn your lips or face blue. It may be time to call 911.
According to an article on the spread of the disease, Reuters should also pay attention to Kawasaki disease, which tends to occur in children between the ages of 6 and 8. Kawasaki disease is an inflammatory disease in which blood vessels throughout the body are inflamed and swollen. According to children nationwide..
However, scientists appear to be arguing whether Kawasaki disease and MIS-C were confused by the similarity in symptoms. In April, British clinicians said there was an increase in diseases with Kawasaki-like symptoms, Reported CDC..
The CDC advises parents to contact their doctor to seek advice from parents who are concerned that their child has Kawasaki disease or MIS-C.
What can parents do to protect their children?
create # Hand wash Family activities! Explain to your child that you can stay fit by washing your hands. Set a good example — If you wash your hands often, children will tend to do the same. see next: # COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing
-CDC (@CDCgov) April 9, 2020
Beyond the obvious – keeping children physically and socially remote, washing their hands, and watching for signs of illness – health agencies also offer other suggestions for infants and how to keep them safe.
For example, both CDC And Mayo Health Clinic We advise all children over the age of two to wear cloth masks or face covers when traveling to densely populated areas.
of CDC also advises parents Allowing your child to receive as much vaccination as possible during this pandemic protects against other illnesses that could be severely vulnerable to COVID-19. by CDC schedule for vaccines, The type of vaccine an infant may receive is chickenpox. Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough; influenza; hepatitis A and B; measles, mumps, rubella, polio, etc.
Read the following: COVID-19 Shortage of coins: why it’s happening
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