COVID-19 can travel 8 meters in an old air cold meat factory. German news
Research shows that coronavirus particles have become able to travel more than 8 meters (26 feet) in German slaughterhouses, and show how meat plants are hotspots for infectious diseases around the world. Gained insights on what has changed to.
Researchers have reconstructed the possible causes of the Toennies group slaughterhouse in Leda Wiedenbruck, where about 1,500 workers were infected with the virus. A group from the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research reported that similar conditions were the epicenter of the virus in plants around the world.
The virus has spread rapidly in meat factories from the United States to the United Kingdom and South America, affecting thousands of employees who often work near processing lines. Dozens of workers have died and labor advocates say that lack of social distance can continue to put people at risk. The outbreak closed the American carnivorous plant earlier this year, resulting in a protein deficiency.
Meanwhile, China is increasing testing of cold food imports for viruses. Asian nations have applied some slaughterhouse export bans to the case, while world scientific experts say the likelihood of foodborne transmission is very low, and contain the disease. It is even more urgent.
The Toennies outbreak probably began in May with one employee and was primarily contagious in the demolition area of the factory. In this demolition area, the room is often chilled to 10 degrees (50 degrees Fahrenheit). The co-author of the study, Adam Grundhoff, says that cold air circulates frequently and unchanging, which, coupled with intense working conditions, helped the particles travel long distances.
“These factors are very likely to play a generally important role in the global outbreak in meat or fish processing plants,” said the Heinrich Pets Institute at the Leibnitz Institute for Experimental Virology. Research group leader Grundhoff said. Under these circumstances, a distance of 1.5 to 3 meters between workers was not enough to prevent infection, he said.
Unbalanced hit
Meat factory workers represent some of the people facing the disproportionate impact of the health crisis and its economic consequences.
According to the Center for Economic and Policy Research, about half are immigrants in the United States. Employees also come from relatively low-income families, 44% of whom are Hispanic and one-quarter of African American.
Minority workers in US factories have seen the greatest damage from the outbreak. In July, a Centers for Disease Control report that provided a total number of outbreaks by the end of May found 87% of cases of race and ethnicity involving minority workers and identified as Hispanic. Infectious diseases, although they make up less than one-third of the total workforce at 56%.
Toennies, Germany’s largest pork abattoir, will be closed for a month and then reopened last week to gradually increase production. The company, which posted a link to the research report on Twitter, also announced a 25-point plan detailing the measures it is taking to prevent further outbreaks these days. This includes twice weekly employee testing, direct employee hiring, and ventilation overhaul.
Toennies spokeswoman said the findings of the report show that no factories were built around the world due to such a crisis, and the company is investing in air filters and other mechanisms to protect its employees. Said in an email.
Housing status-often identified as a factor in outbreaks-has not been found to play a significant role in the early spread of the disease.
Melanie Brinkmann, research group leader at the Helmholtz Center, said:
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