Mild to moderate COVID-19 cases are isolated for 10 days
According to the new CDC guidelines, people with mild to moderate COVID-19 are quarantined after 10 days and do not need to be retested before returning to work.
The symptoms are guides, not tests. If the patient has a fever, it should be removed for at least 24 hours.
According to documents from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published Wednesday, symptoms are “not unnecessarily quarantined or excluded from work or other responsibilities” because they provide a more accurate picture of the degree of infection of infected people. That is.
This document acknowledges that the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, is so new that doctors are still gathering evidence on how it works. As more data becomes available, the medical community has a better understanding of how infected people can avoid the transmission of the disease. of New guidelines It reflects the latest thinking.
“In the early days of the pandemic, there was no data of this kind. As they applied the incoming data, they really were heading towards science-led recommendations,” says Harvard Chan of Public Health School of Immunology and Infectious Diseases. Dr. Roger Shapiro, professor, said.
More:Sweden wanted collective immunity to suppress COVID-19. Don’t do what we did Not working.
Many people with severe COVID-19 are hospitalized, and most are not, but can be infected for 20 days.
Most severely ill people (over 88%) were free of infection after 10 days. According to the CDC, 95 percent were no longer infectious after 20 days.
Get infected before you get sick
According to Shapiro, COVID-19 is a wise virus and seems to be most infectious 2-3 days before symptoms begin.
“If you have symptoms, your infection will be weakened,” he said.
Ah Large-scale study in Taiwan The CDC found that it was much more likely to catch COVID-19 if exposed to a sick person within the first five days of symptoms. The study found no cases of infection when a person was exposed to a person with COVID-19 more than 6 days after the onset of the disease.
An unknown proportion of people infected with COVID-19 have asymptomatic diseases, and so many do not know they are infected.
“Ill say that completely asymptomatic patients are less likely to transmit the disease, but they can do,” Shapiro said.
Can you re-infect me?
It was so far According to the CDV, there are no confirmed cases of reinfection with COVID-19.
The possibility of re-infection is still under investigation, as the SARS-CoC-2 virus only appeared in December and there are not many places with many infections during that period.
If someone tested positive for illness and developed new symptoms consistent with COVID-19 after recovery within the last 3 months, the CDC sought consultation with an infectious disease specialist.
Reinfection is an immunologist, and all infectious disease researchers are looking for, said Otto Yang, a professor of medicine and head of infectious disease at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.
“Our antenna is up,” he said.
According to the CDC documentation, there are two things that can happen that seem to reinfect people.
First, the test may find fragments of the virus in the recovered patient’s nasal cavity, but the virus particles are no longer able to replicate. The test result may be positive, but the person cannot infect others.
“We can find evidence of viral particles, but it did not correlate with infection risk,” Shapiro said.
Also, some few people may continue to shed the virus from their secretions, which can lead to multiple positive reactions over the course of weeks.
For these people, their bodies could have initially been able to fight the virus, but at some point they could be revived because something affected their immune system, Shapiro said. It was
“These cases are outliers. These are less than 0.1%. There are so many people with COVID-19 in this country that weird presentations will be made here and there,” he said.
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